Fiocruz has a strategic role in Science, Technology and Innovation (ST&I) in health in the country, from the formulation of public policies to the delivery of medical products, diagnosis and health processes, always with added value for society. The Vice Presidency of Research and Biological Collections (VPPCB) is responsible for proposing guidelines for institutional research and contributes with investments in ST&I for the generation of knowledge and for the training and qualification of human resources, through internal calls for projects and research grants.
VPPCB also coordinates the management of biological collections of Fiocruz, which are sources of micro-organisms, invertebrates, plants and histopathological samples related to research in public health, and offer qualified products and services for application in ST&I. Biological collections are essential parts of the research infrastructure and are fundamental to areas such as conservation, scientific research and technological development. Its important role was recognized by the new Brazilian law (Law 13.113 / 15, on access to genetic resources).
VPPCB, through its actions of induction and promotion of research, works together and aligned with the other vice presidencies and Institutes of Fiocruz on the strategic themes linked to the institutional priorities agenda.