
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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In addition to the Fiocruz Publishing House, which concentrates most of the releases of the Foundation, other units also publish works of scientific nature. Many of these titles are available as free access, in consonance with the policy of knowledge democratization.

Fiocruz Publishing House

Founded in 1993, the Fiocruz Publishing House aims to spread the scientific knowledge in the areas of public health, giving visibility to research results.

With over 330 titles in the catalog, it publishes works that disseminate not only the academic production of Fiocruz, but also other important studies of great impact on health nationally and internationally. Furthermore, it develops a strategy focusing on translations of important works for Brazilians that are interested in public health debates.

The Publishing House has six collections: Anthropology and Health; Children, Women and Health; History and Health; Madness & Civilization, Indigenous Health, and Health Themes. Its open access policy, given by the release of titles in PDF, has recently been expanded with its participation in SciELO Books project, which aims the online publication of scientific works to maximize the visibility, accessibility, use and impact of academic works.

The partnership between the Fiocruz Publihing House and the Canal Saúde offers a TV and web program called Science & Letters, that shows how scientific literature can go beyond the specialized audience. Also in order to promote scientific dissemination and health education through audiovisual tools, VideoSaúde Distributor, with the support of the agency, maintains the Fiocruz Video seal, which gathers films, documentaries and even animations.

Polytechnic School of Health Venancio Joaquim

The Polytechnic School of Health Venancio Joaquim (ESPJV) encourages professors, researchers, students and partners publications, inside research lines that prioritize the school's educational project. Currently, it has over 40 titles, all covered by the policy of free access, with pdf versions available on the Internet.

Check out the titles of ESPJV:


Educational Material

Oswaldo Cruz Institute

Clinical histories and case studies of infectious and parasitic diseases are among the publication topics of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (IOC). All of them are available online.

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