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Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

Início do conteúdo


A patent is a title that grants to its holder the right to exclusive use of an invention for a specified period. In exchange for this monopoly, the invention must be released to the society with the aim to promote development. After the end of that period, the patent becomes public domain, i.e., it may be used by everyone.

The research and technological development activities at Fiocruz generated several requests for patent protection, since the area of Technology Management was created at Fiocruz in 1986.

Among the technology areas in which Fiocruz has request of pledge of the patent, emphasis on vaccines and medications. The other areas are diagnostic kits, equipment and devices for hospitals, and other bio insecticides.

See the requirements for patentability (portuguese).

Additional information on patents can be obtained from the Technology Management Coordination (Gestec) and the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI).

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