
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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Information Bulletins and Reports

To publicize the Foundation’s activities in international cooperation, Cris works in partnership with the Coordination of Social Communication (CCS) of the Fiocruz Office of the President to publish the Fiocuz International News.


The Foundation’s various international initiatives are presented in each edition, covering the history of the Center’s activity and thus the majority of the international activities each year.

The following international topics are featured, among others:

  • Visits by foreign delegations to Fiocruz;

  • International agreements celebrated in Brazil and abroad;

  • Human resources training and capacity-building in Brazil and in the partner countries;

  • Follow-up on events coordinated abroad;

  • Establishment of academic, scientific, and technological partnerships.

  • Interviews with experts and staff from the Foundation’s international area.

The Fiocruz Internacional News can be accessed on the Fiocruz Portal and the Crisinforma is available on the portuguese version of this page and also on the Fiocruz News Agency website.


Since 2012, Cris has provided internal and external readers with access to the activities reports on international cooperation by Fiocruz.

In digital and print formats, the documents report on international agreements, current cooperative projects, international events, Foundation employees working abroad, and other initiatives with an international and global health focus.

Activities Report, CRIS – 2013

Activities Report, CRIS – 2012

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