
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

Início do conteúdo

Population health care

(Photo: Peter Ilicciev)

Population Health

Fiocruz's units offer various health services, always articulated with teaching and research activities. The criteria for treatment varies according to the specially and with the core to which they are linked. In general, it is necessary that patients are referred by other health services, referenced to the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS), and some specialties of the Germano Sinval Faria School Health Center, the service is a priority for residents in the neighborhood of Manguinhos where is located the headquarters of the Foundation, in Rio de Janeiro.

Women, child and adolescent health

The former Fernandes Figueira Institute (IFF) - now the National Institute of Women, Children and Adolescents' Health - offers health care to patients referred by other units linked to SUS in Rio de Janeiro or with a medical referral. It assists the woman with pregnancy of fetal risk during the full term pregnancy. After birth, the child receives monitoring to reach adolescence, if necessary. The Institute provides care for children and youth in various specialties and performs an important work on breastfeeding.

Worker's health

The Center of Studies on Worker's Health and Human Ecology (Cesteh) assists workers referred by the SUS, in particular by the State and Regional Reference Centers in Workers' Health (Cerest), by unions and civil organizations, the Department of Public Prosecutor or by other judicial bodies. Its care, linked to research developed by the Centre, also covers the spontaneous demands within the area of worker's health, as well as certain special population groups exposed to environmental problems. The first care is performed by a multidisciplinary team, Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Animals care

The Foundation performs caring for small pets.  The Evandro Chagas Clinic Research Institute (Ipec) is a reference in guidance and clinical and laboratory (serological, parasitological and histopathological) in cases of leishmaniasis in animals. The institute also offers assistance in cases of sporotrichosis. In this case, the studies are included in the Program to Support Strategic Research in Health (Papes) of Fiocruz.

Information about each service (in portuguese).

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