Virtual health libraries are a project led by the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information (Bireme/Paho), along with the Ministry of Health for the expansion of free access to health information.
The Institute of Communication and Information Science and Technology in Health (ICICT) coordinates virtual libraries in various subjects, gathering at the Virtual Health Library (BVS Fiocruz) (english). The BVS Fiocruz portal offers access to ten thematic virtual libraries and to three biographical ones. They are:
BVS Public Health (portuguese)
BVS Maternal Breast Feeding (portuguese)
BVS Parasitic Diseases (portuguese)
BVS Education of Health (english)
BVS Health Integrality (portuguese)
BVS History and Cultural Heritage of the Health (portuguese and spanish)
BVS Violence and Health (portuguese)
BVS Aging (portuguese)
BVS Social Determinants of Health (english)
BVS Bioethics and Health Diplomacy (portuguese)
BVS Adolpho Lutz (portuguese)
BVS Carlos Chagas (portuguese)
BVS Sergio Arouca (portuguese)