In 2017, Fiocruz presidency instituted the "Fiocruz Strategy for 2030 Agenda" (EFA 2030), considering the institution's historical, conjuncture and future prospecting analysis. The strategy incorporates the United Nations document into Fiocruz's strategic development and work program in the medium and long term, with an understanding that builds on the social determination of health and related topics, social science studies, the ecology of knowledge and critical theory of innovation and development models.
The 2030 Agenda has a strong convergence of values with Fiocruz and our historical matrix, based on a strong correlation between health, development and sustainability. By reinforcing critical thinking, dialogue, and inflections around health, society, and development, the 2030 Agenda acts as a milestone and a major catalyst for new conceptual, academic, programmatic, and political challenges and developments. In this sense, the United Nations and the Foundation's agenda go together in the search for the integration of human rights, social policies, sustainability, innovation and development so that, as the motto of the international document says, no one is left behind.