
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

Início do conteúdo

Innovation Portfolio

Welcome to Fiocruz’s Innovation Portfolio

Fiocruz seeks to expand its partnerships with the productive sector in order to accelerate the process of transforming knowledge into innovative products and services to tend the needs of society.

With that in mind, Fiocruz’s Innovation Portfolio gathers the technologies developed in the Institution with a high innovative potential, which aim at contributing to the generation of solutions for the problems of public health. 

If your company or institution also share this commitment, come join us.

Featured Technologies

Recombinant protein for diagnosis of bovine fasciolosis
Computational methodology for protein interaction analysis
Diagnosis of human cell lymphotropic virus HTLV-1/2 infection
Animal Cranio Kit
Innovative topical treatment for cutaneous leishmaniasis
Alternative method to the use of animals for cytotoxicity testing
Experimental System for Screening New Antifungal Drugs
Simplified molecular diagnosis for leishmaniasis
Stem cell-associated 3D printing devices for the treatment of joint injuries
Software for proteomics


Technological development and researches carried out at Fiocruz can be subject to public and private partnerships, with international institutions and companies, thus allowing that new health solutions and technologies are made available to society. 

There are different ways of interacting with Fiocruz's innovation ecosystem. 


Learn more about possibilities on our page.


Technology Transfer Office

Fiocruz has a model of technological management based on the network collaboration for innovation, where the efforts are focused on transforming the knowledge generated at Fiocruz into products, services, processes and methods to tend the needs of society and the national health system.




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Campus Fiocruz Maré - Av. Brasil, 4036 - Maré, Rio de Janeiro - RJ

CEP: 21040-361 
  +55 (21) 3282-9080 




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