
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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Diagnosis by mass spectrometry

Innovation Portfolio
Diagnosis by mass spectrometry
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Mass spectrometry emerged as a breakthrough technology for differentiated diagnostics. Some routine examples are diagnostics of pathogenic microorganisms, anti-doping tests, and aminoacidopathies. However, the solutions that exist in state-of-the-art laboratories cannot, for example, differentiate between bacteria that are or are not resistant to antibiotics, point out the agents that cause immediate sepsis, or even, in more unusual cases, point out the origin of poisoning.


Methodology that includes a differentiated form of mass spectrometry analysis (LC/MS/MS) in conjunction with an artificial intelligence platform that solves and overcomes the above bottlenecks. Our computing environment is able to "learn" to diagnose virtually any pathology with protein changes.

This video is part of the InovaLabs entrepreneurial training program, promoted by Biominas and Fiocruz and the name of the startup mentioned in the video is fictitious.


Artificial intelligence
Time reduction

Development stage

What we are searching for

Commercialization of the methodologies together with the software.


Paulo Costa Carvalho
André Ramos Silva
Valmir Carneiro Barbosa
Diogo Borges Lima
Carlos Batthyány




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Campus Fiocruz Maré - Av. Brasil, 4036 - Maré, Rio de Janeiro - RJ

CEP: 21040-361 
  +55 (21) 3282-9080 




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