
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

Início do conteúdo

Be a partner

Fiocruz's Innovation Portfolio has a wide and diverse number of technologies, related primarily to the field of health, which may be applied on the development of products and services.

Technological development and researches carried out at Fiocruz can be subject to public and private partnerships, with international institutions and companies, thus allowing that new health solutions and technologies are made available to society. 

Our partners include institutions, universities, research centers, government agencies and companies from all over the world.

There are some ways of interacting with Fiocruz's innovation ecosystem. We work to facilitate and promote partnerships, focusing on technology transfer and the generation of new products and services.

Discover all the possibilities for interaction with Fiocruz

Technology transfer agreements

These are legal instruments in which exclusive or non-exclusive rights to exploit technologies developed by Fiocruz are granted to external partners or the transfer of ownership of such technologies, for a fee.

Joint Development Agreements

These are legal instruments which provide for the execution of joint research and development activities between Fiocruz and the partner, and in which exclusive or non-exclusive rights are granted to exploit technologies developed by Fiocruz or in the partnership, or the transfer of ownership of such technologies, for a fee.

Research, Development and Innovation Partnership Agreements

In addition to technology transfer and joint development contracts, partnerships can be established between Fiocruz and external partners to establish joint actions aimed at research, development and innovation.




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Campus Fiocruz Maré - Av. Brasil, 4036 - Maré, Rio de Janeiro - RJ

CEP: 21040-361 
  +55 (21) 3282-9080 




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