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Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

Início do conteúdo

Leishmaniasis treatment using Triazole-phtalimides as chemotherapeutic agents

Innovation Portfolio
Leishmaniasis treatment using Triazole-phtalimides as chemotherapeutic agents
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The different clinical forms of leishmaniasis (cutaneous, mucocutaneous, and visceral) share a common treatment approach involving toxic chemotherapy and serious side effects, leading to the development of treatment resistance. Thus, the search for more specific drugs against parasites, without causing harm to the host, is still needed.



The technology relies on the use of molecules containing the compounds triazole and phthalimide, obtained through a cheap and high-yield method, as leishmanicidal agents for the treatment of leishmaniasis. The combination of molecules with different modes of action into a single chemical entity can reduce the side effects and the emergence of resistance, observed in conventional medications against leishmaniasis.


Reduced toxicity
Less chance of developing resistance
Cheap and efficient synthesis

Development stage

What we are searching for

Partners to advance through the stages of pre-clinical and clinical studies of the technology and in obtaining the molecule on a large scale.


Regina Celia Bressan Queiroz de Figueiredo
Welson Vicente da Silva
Vera Lucia de Menezes Lima
Ronaldo Nascimento de Oliveira
Vanderlan Nogueira Holanda

Intellectual Property

Invention Patent
Patent application submitted in Brazil.




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Campus Fiocruz Maré - Av. Brasil, 4036 - Maré, Rio de Janeiro - RJ

CEP: 21040-361

  +55 (21) 3282-9080 




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