Data de publicação: 19/01/2021 - 16:06
Preservation Policy Scientific and cultural collections of Fiocruz
Data de publicação: 15/01/2021 - 09:41
A researcher of the Leônidas & Maria Deane Institute (ILMD/Fiocruz Amazônia) confirms the identification of the origin of the new variant of the Sars-CoV-2 in Amazonas. The new variant was provisionally named B.1.1.28 (K417N / E484K / N501Y). Led by Felipe Naveca, the study suggests that the strains, identified in Japanese travelers that had been in the Amazonian region, evolved from a viral strain in Brazil that is...
Data de publicação: 15/01/2021 - 09:21
Nísia Trindade Lima was renominated for the position of President of Fiocruz, for the period of 2021-2024. Lima was elected on the first place of the three-name list unanimously homologated by Fiocruz Advisory Board, which was handed to the Health Minister, Eduardo Pazuello, last November. Fiocruz 2020 elections were the most significant in the institution’s history, with the participation of 4,400 voters - 91.6% of the 4,847...
Data de publicação: 08/01/2021 - 14:20
Since the beginning of the pandemic, the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) has been promoting efforts to save lives and contribute to vaccinate Brazilians as soon as possible. The search for doses of the vaccine against Covid-19 has always been on the table during negotiations with AstraZeneca. At a recent meeting with the Ministry of Health and Fiocruz, AstraZeneca presented the current scenario and the feasibility of delivering to the...
Data de publicação: 04/01/2021 - 14:54
In its efforts against the pandemic, Fiocruz researchers have observed that memory for the immune response against the coronavirus, which would prevent reinfection, may not occur in mild cases. The discovery took place after sequencing the genotypes of the new coronavirus, and reinforces the fact that reinfection by the Sars-CoV-2 is possible. Viral Genetic Evidence and Host Immune Response of a Small Cluster of Individuals with Two...
Data de publicação: 18/12/2020 - 14:24
Representatives of Fiocruz and of the British Embassy met on December 15 to discuss cooperation in health between the Foundation and institutions of the United Kingdom. At the meeting, requested by the embassy’s business manager, Liv Davidson, and with the presence of the British consul in Rio de Janeiro, Simon Wood, the attendees discussed current partnerships and possible new ones.
The main cooperation of Fiocruz with British...
Data de publicação: 18/12/2020 - 12:21
After five years of research, a project led by Fiocruz has reached encouraging results in the search for a therapy to prevent congenital zika syndrome. In an article published on Antiviral Research, the authors show an intense protective effect of sofosbuvir, the antiviral drug currently indicated to treat hepatitis C. In trials with Rhesus monkeys, considered to be the experimental model closest to humans, the drug prevented zika virus...
Data de publicação: 18/12/2020 - 11:42
Most times a pregnant woman goes through a viral infection, such as a common cold, the baby remains protected in the womb. This protection is provided by the placenta, the organ that connects mother and baby and works as a barrier against microorganisms. However, there are pathogens that can overcome this barrier. One example is the zika virus. In 2015 and 2016, it caused a public health emergency of international relevance due to its...
Data de publicação: 17/12/2020 - 16:11
At the Ordinary General Assembly held on December 3, the Board of Directors of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC, in the Portuguese acronym) released the results of the elections to full members, correspondents, employees, and affiliates. The president of Fiocruz, Nísia Trindade Lima, was elected a full member in the Social Sciences category. And researcher Milena Botelho Pereira Soares, from Fiocruz Bahia, was elected a full member...
Data de publicação: 16/12/2020 - 16:31
The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, through the Institute of Technology in Immunobiologicals (Bio-Manguinhos), signed with the Government of the State of Rio de Janeiro, this Thursday (3/12), the final deed of the land where the Industrial Complex of Biotechnology in Health (Cibs) is being built, in the Industrial District of Santa Cruz, in Rio de Janeiro. The ceremony took place at the Guanabara Palace, the head office of the Rio de Janeiro government...
Data de publicação: 16/12/2020 - 11:20
As made public by the Ministry of Health and by the Secretaries of Health of the states of Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte, the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation has confirmed the first case of reinfection by the new coronavirus (Sars-CoV-2) in the country. The samples, obtained from a healthcare worker residing in the city of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, and who works in both states, were analyzed by the Laboratory of Respiratory Viruses...
Data de publicação: 10/12/2020 - 16:13
The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation received on Monday (7/12) the visit of the Ambassador of India to Brazil, Suresh K. Reddy. The embassy delegation was received by the president of Fiocruz, Nísia Trindade Lima, for a meeting in which the main topic was cooperation in the field of pharmaceuticals.
The Indian ambassador and the president of Fiocruz addressed the prospect of new partnerships in health (Photo: Pedro Paulo Gonçalves...
Data de publicação: 10/12/2020 - 13:46
During the pandemic, 48.7% of teenagers in the country have felt worried, nervous, or in a bad mood, most of the time or always. There was an increase in the consumption of sweets and frozen foods, as well as in sedentary lifestyle: the percentage of young people who did not do 60 minutes of physical activity on any day of the week before the pandemic was 20.9%, and increased to 43.4%. Seventy percent of Brazilians aged 16 to 17 started to spend...
Data de publicação: 08/12/2020 - 10:38
The researcher at Fiocruz Bahia and deputy coordinator of the Graduate Program in Pathology (PgPAT - UFBA/Fiocruz), Clarissa Gurgel, was awarded the Newton Advanced Fellowship 2020, promoted by the Academy of Medical Sciences together with the Royal Society and the British Academy, UK. The award consists of participation in a program, which aims at connecting researchers from different areas, through innovative research related to global...
Data de publicação: 08/12/2020 - 10:19
Fiocruz became the first institution to receive the René Favaloro Distinction for Trajectory 2020 award, which is usually dedicated to personalities who work for development and social well-being, human dignity, and commitment to scientific knowledge, culture, education, and public health in their areas of activity.
In a ceremony held at the Virgínia Schall Science Tent, on the Foundation's campus, this Tuesday (12/1), the...
Data de publicação: 03/12/2020 - 15:02
In 2019, Fiocruz and Oxford University signed an agreement to create a knowledge hub for the institution on The Global Health Network (TGHN) platform. Since then, Fiocruz has an international space aimed at promoting science through the dissemination of its actions, research, events, and courses.
The first Fiocruz course translated into English and adapted to the platform's global audience was "Transmission, surveillance, control,...
Data de publicação: 03/12/2020 - 14:51
A study published in the Nutrients scientific journal shows that teenagers of five countries, including Brazil, have changed their consumption of fried foods, sweet foods, fruits, and vegetables during the social isolation prescribed to reduce Covid-19 transmission. The research, which reveals an increased consumption of fruits and vegetables during social distancing, has also shown higher ingestion of sweets and fried foods among teenagers....
Data de publicação: 03/12/2020 - 13:47
The analysis of a historical series of 16 years (2004 to 2019) of the incidence of dengue fever in 20 countries of Central and South America has concluded that the dynamic of dengue fever occurrence in the region was changed after zika virus epidemics, possibly due to crossed immunity between the two virus, that belongs to the same family. In the study, researchers analyzed data of notified cases suspected of dengue fever, reported to the...
Data de publicação: 02/12/2020 - 16:46
In the municipalities of Itaituba and Tairão, in the state of Pará, along the Tapajós River, the munduruku indigenous population is suffering from mercury widely used in mining and panning activities. A study carried out by Fiocruz in a partnership with WWF-Brasil shows that all participants of the research are affected by the contaminant. Six out of every 10 participants presented mercury levels above safe thresholds: about...
Data de publicação: 02/12/2020 - 16:21
The technology of diagnostic kit for bacterial meningitis using real-time HRM PCR, coordinated by researcher Ivano de Filippis, of the National Institute for Quality Control in Health (INCQS/Fiocruz), was included in the institution’s Innovation Portfolio. The portfolio contains the innovative results generated by the Foundation. The new kit is being developed with the goal of cutting down costs of molecular diagnosis of bacterial...
Data de publicação: 01/12/2020 - 18:03
Autores: Alexandra Solomon, Rosemary Morgan, Clare Wenham, Julia Smith, Denise Nacif Pimenta, Kate Hawkins, Valerie Mueller. Asha Herten-Crabb.
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Data de publicação: 27/11/2020 - 18:21
A epidemia de COVID-19 através de uma lente de gênero: e se uma abordagem de gênero tivesse sido aplicada para informar as medidas de saúde pública para combater a pandemia de COVID-19? (em inglês)
Confira mais informações no Observatório Covid-19.
Data de publicação: 23/11/2020 - 14:53
The Journal Plos Biology has published the database of a study that analyzed the ranking of scientists worldwide. The ranking lists the 100 thousand most influential scientists in the world, according to databases used up to 2019. The survey was carried out by a team of the University of Standford (USA), led by Greek-American physician and scientist John Ioannidis, with several contributions in the field of medicine, especially in...