
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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Data de publicação: 15/03/2021 - 14:20
On March 11, one year since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that the COVID-19 epidemic represented a global pandemic, the new Bulletin of the COVID-19 Observatory Fiocruz highlights that Brazil is among the countries with the worst indicators. The country totals 11,122,429 cases and 268,370 deaths, which corresponds to 9.5% and 10.3% of the global total, respectively, even though the Brazilian population is less than 3% of the world...
Data de publicação: 15/03/2021 - 11:54
The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (Anvisa) granted the definitive registration of the COVID-19 Fiocruz vaccine on March 12. Thus, Fiocruz becomes the first holder of a registration of a COVID -19 vaccine produced in the country and adds to its product portfolio the eleventh vaccine to be supplied to the National Immunization Program (PNI). With the registration, the expectation is that Anvisa will authorize the release of the...
Data de publicação: 12/03/2021 - 11:49
In an extraordinary edition of its Bulletin, the Covid-19 Fiocruz Observatory publishes an updated of the historical series on the occupation of COVID-19 ICU beds for adults in the Brazilian Health System (SUS, in the Portuguese acronym), with data obtained on Monday (8/3). The analysis presents rates verified since July 17th, 2020, and aims to alert to the critical scenario of the country. Check out the full document (in Portuguese)....
Data de publicação: 10/03/2021 - 18:21
Fiocruz president, Nísia Trindade Lima, participated in a World Health Organization (WHO) discussion on how investing in research on Covid-19 treatments can increase cooperation at national and international levels, on March 3. The discussion table, named Towards a Shared Research Agenda, included in the debate on how to identify knowledge gaps and research priorities for COVID-19 treatments, to incentivize cooperation and...
Data de publicação: 10/03/2021 - 12:53
Many affluent countries, with the necessary technological capabilities and expertise, entered into the production of Covid-19 vaccines or sought the biopharmaceutical companies to block them for themselves through anticipated buying. It is estimated that as early December 2020, 3.8 billion vaccine doses had been guaranteed to these countries by several producers. If one compares that figure with the 3.2 billion doses, that include the 700...
Data de publicação: 08/03/2021 - 18:31
In a technical release issued last Thursday (March 3) by the Fiocruz Covid-19 Observatory, researchers warn of the geographical dispersion, in the territory, of “worrying variants” and of their high prevalence in the three Brazilian regions under study (South, South-East and North-East).  The new RT-PCR protocol, developed by Fiocruz Amazônia, was used by Fiocruz diagnostic support units and testing stations...
Data de publicação: 08/03/2021 - 11:27
When the first Portuguese and Spanish ships moored along the coast of the Americas, microorganisms that caused common disease in Europe, but which had never occurred in American soil, disembarked along with the crews. The causer of visceral leishmaniasis, Leishmania infantum is part of a group of microscopic travelers which, despite the huge differences between the Old and the New World, managed to settle here quite well. More than...
Data de publicação: 08/03/2021 - 10:01
A pioneering study used the genomic sequencing of samples of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to assess the resistance of indigenous peoples to anti-tuberculosis drugs. Published on Scientific Reports, a magazine of the Nature group, the research also revealed a high frequency of polymorphisms associated with resistance to the main drugs used in the treatment. The article, titled Identification of a predominant genotype of...
Data de publicação: 05/03/2021 - 10:44
An important step to understanding the dynamics of arbovirus transmission, such as dengue fever, zika and chikungunya, is to get to know mosquitoes’ ability to get infected and to transmit the viruses that cause these diseases. This characteristic is technically known as vectorial competence. A study by researchers of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (IOC/Fiocruz) showed that the Aedes aegypti has low vectorial competence for the zika virus when...
Data de publicação: 05/03/2021 - 10:05
A study of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (IOC/Fiocruz) was received the Small Grants award of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (RSTMH). The research was made by post-doctorate student Viviane de Almeida Bastos, under the supervision of researchers Ana Gisele Ferreira and Richard Hemmi Valente, of the IOC’s Toxicology Laboratory, and investigates natural inhibitors of snake toxins, isolated from South American opossum...
Data de publicação: 03/03/2021 - 09:44
In one more initiative of articulation for teaching, Fiocruz shares its capacity and resources with international partners. From March 22nd, 40 students of the Master's in Public Health, from the Faculty of Social Sciences, University Lúrio (Unilúrio), in Mozambique (Africa) will attend the course Scientific Research Methodology - already offered in a transversal way for different Foundation courses. The classes will be...
Data de publicação: 03/03/2021 - 09:35
Fiocruz's president, Nísia Trindade Lima, was invited to be a member of the Steering Committee Gender Summit, which had its first meeting on January 26th. The group is composed of high-level representatives from key institutions, responsible for approving and suggesting ideas on the final agenda of the event. The 20th Gender Summit will be hosted by Brazil, in June 2021, virtually. Preparations for the GS20 are guided by the central...
Data de publicação: 28/02/2021 - 15:54
Estudo preliminar, ainda em preprint, demonstra eficácia da vacina de Oxford. Pesquisadores escoceses realizaram o primeiro estudo sobre a eficácia da vacina produzida pela farmacêutica AstraZeneca, a mesma que a Fiocruz tem parceria, em condições reais. Eles analisaram um conjunto de dados cobrindo toda a população escocesa de 5,4 milhões, dos quais 1,3 milhão foram...
Data de publicação: 25/02/2021 - 15:12
The genomic surveillance in Brazil gains a reinforcement with the new assay for the Sars-CoV-2 strains detection, by means of the RT-PCR protocol, developed by researchers from the Leônidas & Maria Deane Institute (ILMD/Fiocruz Amazônia). The tool was announced by the researcher and vice director of Research and Innovation at Fiocruz Amazônia, Felipe Naveca. The new trial allows screening of the most important strains in...
Data de publicação: 25/02/2021 - 13:22
The Fiocruz Genomic Network is participating in a project by the Ministry of Health that will sequence new coronavirus samples throughout the national territory. Currently, only three central laboratories (Lacens) in the states are capable of this task. The Network brings together researchers from various institutes of the Foundation to study genetics and genomes of viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, and humans, in addition to receiving...
Data de publicação: 25/02/2021 - 11:42
On February 5, the Ministry of Health (MoH) and Fiocruz launched a public notice for the construction of the Industrial Complex of Biotechnology in Health (Cibs, in the Portuguese acronym). The document opens a bidding process for hiring investors interested in participating in the construction of a new complex of the Immunobiological Technology Institute of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz), in Santa Cruz, in Rio de Janeiro....
Data de publicação: 05/02/2021 - 10:57
A project of Fiocruz Pernambuco was selected in a public call released by the Federal Government in a partnership with other countries that are part of BRICS - formed by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The public notice’s resources had R$6.2 million provided by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation and R$1 million provided byt the Ministry of Health to fund researches directed to facing the Covid-19 pandemic...
Data de publicação: 05/02/2021 - 10:19
On the side of Maici river (Aldeia Dudu), an indigenous woman called Potai Pirahã received the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. Aftere 28 days, she should get the second dose. Potai Pirahã is part of a group of 713 indigenous people that will be vaccinated in the municipality of Humaitá (in the South of Amazonas). The vaccination in indigenous lands of the area started on January 26th, along with lectures to raise...
Data de publicação: 05/02/2021 - 10:09
On January 29th, Fiocruz officially submited the application to register the Covid-19 vaccine to the Healthy Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), which will allow the Oxford-AstraZeneca immunizer Covid-19 vaccine across the country. “This is another key step in facing the pandemic and it will allow the Brazilian population to have broad access to the vaccine, which will be distributed through the Ministry of Health’s National Immunization...
Data de publicação: 03/02/2021 - 12:41
Gender & Covid-19: How to create a genderresponsive pandemic plan - Addressing the secondary effects of COVID-19 (documento em ingês) Autores: Erica N. Rosser, Rosemary Morgan, Heang-Lee Tan, Kate Hawkins, Anne Ngunjiri, Amy Oyekunle, Brunah Schall, Denise Nacif Pimenta, Eduardo Tamaki, Mariela Rocha, Clare Wenham. Confira mais informações no Observatório Covid-19. Acesse o especial da Fiocruz...
Data de publicação: 25/01/2021 - 12:53
In a partnership with the Amazonas Foundation for Health Surveillance (FVS-AM), researchers of the Leônidas and Maria Deane Institute (ILMD/Fiocruz Amazon) have confirmed the second case of reinfection by the Sars-CoV-2 in Brazil. The reinfection occurred in manaus, capital of the state of Amazonas, by the new variant identified in the state, designateed B. or P.1. The case was confirmed by virologist and researcher Felipe Naveca....
Data de publicação: 25/01/2021 - 12:46
Analyzing the characteristics of patients hospitalized due to Covid-19 in Brazil and examining the impact of the disease in the use of resources and in hospital mortality were the goals of the study that assessed the first 250 thousand hospitalizations due to Covid-19 in Brazil, between February 16 and August 15, 2020. “The work has two great contributions to give: documenting the effect of the epidemic on the Brazilian population and on...
Data de publicação: 22/01/2021 - 11:55
At the end of the 1st Extraordinary Public Meeting of the Collegiate Board, held on January 17, the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (Anvisa) authorized the emergency use of two vaccines against Covid-19: Oxford-AstraZeneca, Fiocruz, and Coronavac, of the Butantan Institute. A historic day for Anvisa and also for Brazil, marking the beginning of vaccination in the country. The emergency request submitted by Fiocruz refers to the 2...
Data de publicação: 19/01/2021 - 16:06
Preservation Policy Scientific and cultural collections of Fiocruz
Data de publicação: 15/01/2021 - 09:41
A researcher of the Leônidas & Maria Deane Institute (ILMD/Fiocruz Amazônia) confirms the identification of the origin of the new variant of the Sars-CoV-2 in Amazonas. The new variant was provisionally named B.1.1.28 (K417N / E484K / N501Y). Led by Felipe Naveca, the study suggests that the strains, identified in Japanese travelers that had been in the Amazonian region, evolved from a viral strain in Brazil that is...


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