
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

Início do conteúdo

Fiocruz Rondônia

Fiocruz, through strategic initiatives such as the consolidation of the National Network of Science and Technology in Health, initiated in 2009 the installation of its unit in Rondônia. To do so, it performed the incorporation of the Tropical Pathology Research Institute in Rondônia (Ipepatro), a private civil association, nonprofit, linked to the Ministry of Health (MS), which already had a scientific cooperation agreement with Fiocruz since 2003.

Currently Fiocruz Rondônia has a workforce of Ipepatro, causing it to be developed as a decentralized unit. There are than 90 professionals, including physicians, biologists, biomedical, pharmaceutical, biochemical and students of undergraduate research to graduation. In a consolidation process, Fiocruz Rondônia leads the project structuring Health Integrated Center, in partnership with Ipepatro, Cepem, Unir, Inpa and Embrapa. That is where its headquarters will be located in a building designed by Oscar Niemeyer. When the new building is finished, the office will expand its field of action in strategic areas of health in the region, such as surveillance in health, environmental and border and health education.

The mission of Fiocruz Rondônia is to generate, disseminate and induce scientific and technological solutions in tropical diseases. For this, three main axes direct the research in 15 laboratories and two platforms for specialized services.

Major services
- Research and development in public health care. This axis involves the biotechnology supported on development of surveillance and the provision of basic health services, epidemiological surveillance associated with large environmental impacts, demographic and border problems, and products / processes for developing new drugs or diagnostics.
- Research and development in technology applied to control or cure of neglected endemic diseases, of parasitic, microbial and viral origin, vector-borne or waterborne.
- Generating facilities in training of health professionals in all levels of activity (research, management, specialized care, health workers, family health etc.), focused on the loco-regional development.

Rua da Beira, 7671, BR 364, Km 3,5, Bairro Lagoa, Porto Velho – RO, CEP 76812-245

(69) 3219-6000

Working Hours
Monday to Friday from 8h to 18h except holidays.

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