
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

Início do conteúdo

Fiocruz Pernambuco

Fiocruz Pernambuco was founded in 1950 in the capital Recife, being a technical-scientific unit of the Foundation since 1970. Due its strategic role in the interface of systems science and technology in healthcare has the mission of dealing with social-sanitary problems in the Brazilian Northeast, acting as a significant support to the Unified Health System (SUS).

The Research Center Aggeu Magalhães (CPqAM) became a national reference control of vector mosquitoes (mosquitoes that transmit diseases), filariasis and plague for the Ministry of Health. The obtained experience in the areas of Chagas' disease, leishmaniasis and schistosomiasis caused the institution to become a regional reference to the Ministry of Health for the three diseases.

Major services
- Reference laboratories for the Ministry of Health at the national level in the control of vector mosquitoes and plague; reference laboratories for the Northeast in the area of schistosomiasis, leishmaniasis and Chagas' disease, a collaborating center for environmental health for the World Health Organization (WHO).
- Service of filariasis, a reference to the Ministry of Health at the national level, with outpatient clinics for medical care, urology, laboratory and ultrasound of patients with international title granted accreditation by Joint Commission International and the Brazilian Consortium for Accreditation.
- Graduation in public health, with regular courses of doctorate, academic master and professional master degree, in addition to multi- professional residence in collective health, specialization courses and non-regular updating and guidance of undergraduate students through scholarship program for undergraduate research.
- Technical cooperation with the Health Secretary of Pernambuco and the municipal Health secretaries of the Northeast, federal and state universities of North, Northeast and other health care institutions, such as Brazilian Company of blood derivatives and Biotechnology (Hemobrás) and Professor Fernando Figueira Institute of Integral Medicine (Imip).

Avenida Professor Moraes Rego s/nº, Cidade Universitária, Recife - PE, CEP 50.670-420, Caixa Postal 7.472

(81) 2101-2500 / 2600
Education: (81) 2101-2625 / 2611/2627/2592

Working Hours
Monday to Friday from 8h to 17h except holidays.

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