
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

Início do conteúdo


1900 - Establishment of the Serum-Therapeutic Institute on May, 25.

1904 -  Beginning of the construction of the Plague Pavilion, Stables, Aquarium and Dove House construction.

1905 - Beginning of the Moorish Pavilion construction. The name of the Serum-Therapeutic Institute is changed to Manguinhos Experimental Pathology Institute.

1907 - Oswaldo Cruz is awarded with a gold medal at the 14th International Congress of Hygiene and Demography in Berlin for the sanitation work carried out in Rio de Janeiro.

1908 - Decree 6892 changes the name of the the Manguinhos Experimental Pathology Institute to Oswaldo Cruz Institute.

1909 - Carlos Chagas describes Chagas’ disease cycle, considered a unique feat for the biomedical sciences area. First edition of the Memories of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute.

1912 - Construction of the Oswaldo Cruz Hospital, currently called Evandro Chagas Clinical Research Institute (Ipec).

1918 - Completion of the Moorish Pavilion construction works.

1924 - Establishment of the Fernandes Figueira Institute (IFF), integrated to Fiocruz in 1970.

1937 - Inauguration of the Laboratory of Special Yellow Fever Prophylaxis Services by the Rockefeller Foundation, within the Oswaldo Cruz Institute, and first utilization of the yellow fever vaccine in Brazil.

1942 - The construction of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (IOC) modernist center begins. It consists in four buildings: Pavilion Arthur Neiva, or Courses Pavilion; the Central Restaurant Pavilion, or Carlos Augusto da Silva Pavilion; the Pathology Pavilion (now Carlos Chagas Pavilion); and the Biology Pavilion.

1948 - Definitive demarcation of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (IOC) campus with the addition of two pieces of land located between the sea and Brazil Avenue.

1950 - Establishment of the Aggeu Magalhães Research Center in Recife, integrated to Fiocruz in 1970.

1954 - Establishment of the Central Laboratory for Drug, Medication and Food Administration (LCCDMA), which was under the Ministry of Health. In 1981, its name changed to National Institute for Quality Control in Health (INCQS), integrated to Fiocruz. Establishment of the National School of Public Health (ENSP), which incorporated Sergio Arouca’s name in 2003.

1955 - Establishment of the René Rachou Research Center in Belo Horizonte.

1957 - Establishment of the Gonçalo Moniz Research Center in Salvador.

1966 - Establishment of the Foundation for Specialized Training in Public Health.

1969 - The Foundation for Specialized Training in Public Health has its name changed to Foundation for Human Resources for the Health Sector.

1970 - Creation of the National Institute for the Production of Medicines, a result of the merger of the Prophylactic Products Service of the DNERu (National Department of Rural Endemics) with the Department of Serums and Vaccines. Forfeiture of political and retirement rights of ten renowned scientists of the institution by the military dictatorship. The group was against government guidelines that restricted the activities of the Institution to vaccine production, thus producing a gap in other areas, especially research. It also advocated the creation of a Ministry of Science to host these areas. The episode became known as “The Manguinhos Massacre”. The Oswaldo Cruz Institute becomes Oswaldo Cruz Institute Foundation.

1974 - The Oswaldo Cruz Institute Foundation becomes Oswaldo Cruz Foundation.

1976 - Establishment of Farmanguinhos and Biomanguinhos.

1981 - Fiocruz historical architectural set of buildings is put under by the National Historical and Artistic Heritage.Establishment of the National Institute for Quality Control in Health (INCQS).

1985 - Establishment of the Joaquim Venancio Polytechnic Health School.

1986 - Establishment of the Oswaldo Cruz House and of the Center of Scientific and Technological Information (Cict), current Institute of Communication and Scientific and Technological Information on Health (ICICT). Scientists whose rights had been forfeited in 1970 are readmitted to the Foundation.

1987 - Researchers of Fiocruz isolate the HIV virus for the first time in Brazil. As a result, the Foundation is allowed to join the International Network of Laboratories for the Isolation and Characterization of the HIV-1, coordinated by the World Health Organization (WHO)’s Global Aids Program.

1988 - 1st Internal Congress of Fiocruz, whose subject matter is Science and Health: Fiocruz for the future.

1990 - The recovery of the science and technology infrastructure of the Foundation starts to occur.

1994 - Opening of the Technical Office of the Amazon, which becomes, five years later, the Leonidas and Maria Deane Research Center (CPqLMD), Fiocruz in Amazonia.

1996 - Inauguration of the Manguinhos Library new building, Haity Moussatché Pavilion.

1999 - Establishment of the Museum of Life and the Leonidas and Maria Deane Research Center (CPqLMD) in Manaus.

2000 - 100th anniversary of Fiocruz. The Foundation is the central subject of the lyrics of two samba schools in Rio de Janeiro, and is homaged with the Manguinhos opera, at the Municipal Theatre, Rio de Janeiro.

2002 - Fiocruz is awarded the Unesco Science Prize.

2003 -  Approval of the Fiocruz Statute by decree of the Presidency of the Republic. The federal government officially transfers to Fiocruz a five million square meter piece of land located in Jacarepagua, Rio de Janeiro, where the Fiocruz Campus of the Atlantic Forest is established.

2004 - Inauguration of Biomanguinhos Charles Mérieux Center for Production of Bacterial Antigens, one of the most modern laboratories of bacterial vaccines in Latin America, and of the new headquarters of the Joaquim Venancio Polytechnic School of Health, an official WHO collaborating center.

2005 - Beginning of production activities at the Farmanguinhos Technology Center for Drugs, in Jacarepagua.

2006 - One thousand public servants take office after being approved in the largest public examination in the history of Fiocruz. Researchers of Fiocruz decode the genome of BCG, a bacterium used in Brazil in the vaccine against tuberculosis. Completion of the renovation works of Biomanguinhos Center for the Production of Viral Antigens, which extends Fiocruz technology domain to the production of viral vaccines.

2008 - Fiocruz establishes its first international representation: the technical office in Maputo, capital of Mozambique, Africa. The Ministry of Health provides incentive for the opening in 2011 of new Fiocruz units in Mato Grosso do Sul, Rondônia, Piauí and Ceará, with the aim of reducing social inequalities in Brazil. Farmanguinhos and the nonprofit organization Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi) release the ASMQ, a fixed-dose combination of the drugs artesunate (AS) and mefloquine (MQ) to combat malaria, which simplifies the treatment of adults and children against the disease.

2009 - Farmanguinhos starts the production of Efavirenz, the most commonly antiretroviral used by patients receiving anti-AIDS cocktail. The Oswaldo Cruz Institute (IOC) maps for the first time the gene sequence of the influenza A (H1N1) virus detected in patients in Brazil and, in collaboration with research groups in the United States, Europe and the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), the Rene Rachou Research Center maps, for the first time, the Schistosoma mansoni genome, the parasite that transmits schistosomiasis. Official inauguration of the Carlos Chagas Institute (ICC), Fiocruz Paraná, established in March 2008.

2010 - Fiocruz completes 110 years of existence, stating itself as an strategic institution of State in health area. It is a year of remarkable scientific discoveries. The Foundation develops the hybrid salt, Mefas,which allows the combat to malaria with less side effects; identifies the impermeabilization genes of the eggs of the malaria transmitting mosquito, which is useful for the control of dengue, as well as malaria; creates the vaccine against fasciolosis and advances in the creation of a vaccine against schistosomiasis . It produces, also, a lab method that allows identifying tuberculosis patients with a higher chance to develop medicative hepatitis, due to the treatment based in isoniazid. In the scope of its expansion strategy, the new building of Fiocruz Brasília is innaugurated, and sets covenant with the Center of Social Studies of Coimbra University and signs an agreement with the Indian lab, Lupin, for the manufacturing of medicines against tuberculosis. TV Health Channel is launched.

2011 - A method that allows the confirmation of the diagnosis of HIV in around 20 minutes is developed. The Foundation continues with its expansion: it innaugurates the Mato Grosso do Sul office, and Mata Atlântica campus, in Curicica, (Rio de Janeiro). Besides that, the activities at Itaboraí Fórum begin: Politics, Science and Culture in Health, built in a historic building in Petropolis. Cooperations and partnerships, many of them international, foster important advances, such as the creation, in National lands, of a new vaccine against the yellow fever, and the production of Atazavir, present in the antiaids cocktail.

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