
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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Production and Innovation in Health

The Vice Presidence of Production and Innovation in Health (VPPIS) aimed to promote and integrate the production activities and innovation at Fiocruz and assist the public policies for the Health Economic-Industrial Complex (HEIC). Its performance encompasses both the formulation of policy and foundations for the establishment of bases for an integrated operation focusing on national technological and productive training in health. The department activities reflect the priority given by Fiocruz in meeting the national demand for an industrial and technological base compatible with the proposals for economic development and the ideology of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS).

Seeking to overcome the challenges that this mission requires, the action of VPPIS is based on five thematic axes: the strategic integration of units of Fiocruz for innovation, the internal and external articulation of HEIC, the definition of priority sectors of activity (considering the health needs), the potential to generate innovation associated with existing technology platforms and the contribution to the advancement of national production in HEIC (Strategic Management) and the articulation of Fiocruz with national policies and programs related to HEIC.

Fiocruz is acting as a support to the Ministry of Health to advance the national production and innovation in health, consistent with the policy of pharmaceutical care, articulates the productive and social-sanitary components of HEIC. Thus, it is guaranteed greater access to medicines by the population and greater influence in the regulation of market prices of health inputs, in the other words,  the sustainability of the SUS.

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