
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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Data de publicação: 08/10/2019 - 15:39
Symposium  “A Health Cooperation Agenda”.
Data de publicação: 04/10/2019 - 13:53
Twelve multilateral agencies launched on October 24 a joint plan to support governments to accelerate the fulfilment of the health targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) during the next 10 years. The plan was launched at an event at the UN headquarters in New York, during the 74th General Assembly, with the presence of the First Ministers of Germany, Angela Merkel, and of Norway, Erna Solberg, of the President of Gana, Nana Akufo-...
Data de publicação: 05/09/2019 - 16:44
The International Relations and Global Health Center (CRIS), an advisory board of the Presidency of FIOCRUZ, was created in 2009 to coordinate and support the Foundation’s international activities. Responding to the growing demands for international exchange, the purpose of CRIS is to establish a level of excellence for affirming and developing FIOCRUZ as a strategic public institution for Brazil in the global health scenario. The...
Páginas Institucionais (antigas)
Data de publicação: 26/08/2019 - 10:33
Boletim Internacional
Data de publicação: 22/08/2019 - 15:09
Fiocruz President, Nísia Trindade Lima, and the representative of The Global Health Network (TGHN), Trudie Lang, of Oxford University, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on July 31. The partnership defines the establishment of a knowledge sharing center by Fiocruz, incorporated to The Global Health Network online platform. This sharing center will be complementing the Foundation’s dissemination activities, giving...
Data de publicação: 19/08/2019 - 15:22
Manuel Heitor, the Portuguese Minister for Science and Technology, was at Fiocruz on August 9 to debate a proposal of technical cooperation with the institution, in particular regarding the Atlantic International Research Centre (AIR Centre), a global project for the integration and development of knowledge on climate change and the Atlantic Ocean. The minister was in Rio de Janeiro for the launching of the local office of the initiative,...
Data de publicação: 19/08/2019 - 13:18
The search for malaria elimination is based on a combination of measures to treat patients and prevent the transmission of the disease. New research points out that a molecule investigated for cancer treatment may contribute to achieve this goal. In mice, considered a model for the study of cerebral malaria, the most serious complication of infection, the administration of the compound known as DON (6-diazo-5-oxo-L-norleucine) significantly...
Data de publicação: 16/08/2019 - 16:54
Fiocruz formalized on July 17 a partnership with the United Nations Population Fund (Unfpa). The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Fiocruz’s President Nísia Trindade Lima and Unfpa’s Executive Director Natalia Kanem took place at the Unfpa headquarters in New York at the High-Level Political Forum for Sustainable Development. "The signing of this Memorandum of Understanding with an...
Data de publicação: 16/08/2019 - 15:25
Nísia Trindade Lima, President of Fiocruz, and other representatives of the institution took part in the 2019 High-level Political Forum for Sustainable Development (HLPF), which will took place on July 9-19 at the UN headquarters in New York. Promoted by the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the Forum brought together more than two thousand attendees, including ministers, UN officials and experts from around the world to discuss...
Data de publicação: 16/08/2019 - 14:12
The assistant general director for strategic initiatives of the World Health Organization (WHO), Ranieri Guerra, and the representative of the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) in Brazil, Socorro Gross, were at Fiocruz on July 26. They met with the director of the Fiocruz Global Health Center (CRIS/FIOCRUZ, in the Portuguese acronym), Paulo Buss, to discuss cooperation strategies for universal health coverage and primary healthcare...
Data de publicação: 16/08/2019 - 13:35
The vice-mayor of the Chinese city of Shenzhen, Wu Yihuan, visited Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) on 24 June, when her delegation met with Fiocruz representatives. The meeting was attended by the vice-president of Production and Innovation In Health (VPPIS), Marco Krieger, who was representing the presidency; the coordinator of the Center for Technological Health Development (CDTS), Carlos Morel; the vice-president of Research and Biological...
Data de publicação: 16/08/2019 - 11:21
Science and technology are subjects that arouse great interest among young Brazilians, even more than sports and as much as religion. Most of them, however, including those in college, are unable to provide the name of a national research institute or of any Brazilian scientist. This was the result found by the survey called What do young Brazilians think of science and technology? by the National Institute of Science and Technology in Science...
Data de publicação: 25/07/2019 - 16:06
The team from the STD and AIDS Clinical Research Laboratory (LapClin-Aids) of the Evandro Chagas National Institute of Infectious Diseases (INI/Fiocruz) received on June 5 the 2018 Community Engagement Award in recognition of the international excellence of its activities for promoting health and citizenship among groups vulnerable to HIV infection. “Community participation in research is fundamental because it is for society that we do...
Data de publicação: 24/07/2019 - 16:20
Arboviruses are transmitted through insect bites and cause several diseases. Among the most well-known in Brazil are dengue fever, zika and chikungunya. Other arboviruses, such as mayaro and o’nyong-nyong, less known but also with potential to cause epidemics, have drawn the attention of the scientific community, with the appearance of the first cases of these diseases in areas where there was previously no trace of them. A work group...
Data de publicação: 24/07/2019 - 15:51
Tuberculosis is the main cause of death among people infected with HIV. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), ten million new cases of tuberculosis were reported worldwide in 2017, and 300,000 deaths by tuberculosis occurred among People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA). In this scenario, two measures to reduce the risk of active tuberculosis in this population are extremely important: immediate onset of Combined Antiretroviral Therapy (...
Data de publicação: 23/07/2019 - 14:46
Even obese, Brazilian teenagers still have traits of malnutrition, as shown by a study published in the most recent edition of PLOS One magazine. Researchers found both conditions especially in public school students, who showed an increase in overweight rates in recent years. The investigation, carried out by researchers from the School of Nutrition of the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) and the Center for the Integration of Data and...
Data de publicação: 23/07/2019 - 14:13
The clinical presentation of patients with tuberculosis is very diverse and the heterogeneity of the disease is associated with changes in biomarker signatures, which are measurable indicators of the severity or the presence of some disease state.  In a study led by a researcher from Fiocruz Bahia, Bruno de Bezerril Andrade, they compared the extent of individual inflammatory disorder of the plasma protein and lipid mediators at the...
Data de publicação: 23/07/2019 - 11:14
The Pasteur Institute, a French foundation for research on infectious disease prevention and treatment, inaugurated the Scientific Pasteur-USP Platform at the University of São Paulo (USP), in São Paulo on July 4. The platform is the result of a scientific partnership between the Pasteur Institute, USP and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) signed in June 2015. This platform will develop research to study emerging pathogens, of...
Data de publicação: 23/07/2019 - 10:35
Casa de Oswaldo Cruz (COC / Fiocruz) and University College London (UCL), through the Health Humanities Centre, have signed a cooperation agreement that will foster teaching and research activities in transcultural histories of psychotherapies. One of the goals of the cooperation, with a three years duration, is to establish joint research on the topic in order to stimulate the history of psychotherapies between different countries, with...
Data de publicação: 22/07/2019 - 16:17
Research from Fiocruz reveals that children exposed to the Zika virus may have developmental delays and neurosensory changes in the second year of life. The study evaluated 216 children for two years and also found that neurological development was lower than normal in children exposed to the virus in the first weeks of pregnancy, while children exposed in the last weeks had fewer complications. There were eight cases of microcephaly...
Data de publicação: 26/06/2019 - 15:10
Boletim Internacional
Data de publicação: 25/06/2019 - 14:47
The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) has celebrated its 119-year history by thinking about the future. In the last week of May (from the 27th to the 31st) a series of events have marked the date. On the last day of celebration, the Foundation’s 120-year Honor Commission, a group of health care specialists which is going to work on the definition of the institution’s agenda for its next anniversary, took up office during the ceremony...
Data de publicação: 24/06/2019 - 11:31
The Ambassador of Australia to Brazil, Timothy Kane, and the Consul General of Australia, Greg Wallis, visited Fiocruz on May 8 to learn more about the work of the Institution. They met with Vice President of Education, Information and Communication, Cristiani Machado, representing the Presidency of the Foundation, with the Assistant for Institutional Relations, Valber Frutuoso, and representatives of the Center for International Relations in...
Data de publicação: 21/06/2019 - 16:20
The Mourisco Pavilion, better known as “Fiocruz Castle", is a reference for whoever passes along Avenida Brasil, arriving or leaving the city of Rio de Janeiro, going to or returning from work. “A castle in the middle of the forest”, some say. “A childhood memory", others point out. An icon in the mind of Rio de Janeiro residents (known as Cariocas), the building is also a symbol of Brazilian science....
Data de publicação: 21/06/2019 - 15:09
On the eve of the 119th anniversary of Fiocruz, on May 25, the institution had a further reason to celebrate. On May 24, a resolution that designated April 14 as World Chagas Disease Day was approved. The announcement took place during the 72nd World Health Assembly (WHA), an annual gathering that brings together ministers of health from the 194 member states of the World Health Organization (WHO) and representatives of key world health...


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