
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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2030 Agenda: Fiocruz’s Protagonism

In 2017, Fiocruz’s presidency instituted the Fiocruz Strategy for the 2030 Agenda, considering the institution’s historical, conjuncture and future prospecting analysis. The strategy incorporates the United Nations document into Fiocruz’s strategic development and work program in the medium and long term, with an understanding that builds on the social determination of health and related topics, science social studies, the ecology of knowledge and critical theory on innovation and development models.

The Foundation’s historical matrix is based on a strong correlation between health, development and sustainability. The ecological approach, linking health and environment themes, has been present since the beginning of Manguinhos, strongly influencing the scientific development of the Foundation. The theme of sustainability has gained increasing strength in recent decades, adding to the major theme “Health, Environment and Sustainability”. The Foundation’s actions in this area are expressed in its academic production, its actions on territories, and its policy participation at national and international levels, including participation in UN, World Health Organization (WHO), and other international organizations conferences.

In the contemporary period, this matrix was directed by the movement of the sanitary reform and constitution of the SUS and, more recently, enriched by the formulation of the conceptual and programmatic bases of the
Economic and Industrial Complex of Health (CEIS), based on the understanding that health has a strong potential to integrate human rights, social policies, respect for the environment, innovation and productive base, and that the SUS sustainability depends on a national productive base oriented towards an inclusive development model, where the State plays a central role.

The only Sustainable Development goal to explicitly address health is the third one: “Ensure a healthy life and promote well-being for all, at all ages.” Consisting of 9 goals, the SDG includes topics directly related to health conditions, such as reducing the global maternal mortality rate to less than 70 deaths per 100,000 live births and ending the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases by 2030.

Due to its social nature and being environmentally determined, however, health is also present in the debates and strategies of all other SDGs, such as those dealing with hunger, misery, peace and climate. All of these issues are inseparable from the search for a healthier society and planet. Health is both a precondition, a result, and a parameter for monitoring the 2030 Agenda. The success of the document depends on a holistic view of this set of factors.

This convergence of values places Fiocruz in a privileged position for the dispute of directions and destinations of the 2030 Agenda, while opening a wide range of possibilities to optimize the opportunities created by this framework. By reinforcing critical thinking, dialogue, and inflections around health, society, and development, the 2030 Agenda acts as a milestone and a great catalyst for new challenges and developments from a conceptual, academic, programmatic and political point of view.

Since 2016, Fiocruz has been devoting much of its activity to the 2030 Agenda, with the establishment of a working group dedicated to the theme, holding seminars and the internal articulation of initiatives linked to the aspirations of the UN document. Also within the scope of the UN Agenda, Fiocruz, through its former president Paulo Gadelha, is part of the 10-Member Group, appointed by the UN Secretary-General to address the contribution of science, technology and innovation to the improvement and implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. In this context, a high-level event will be held on November 6 and 7, 2017, at Fiocruz, with the purpose of discussing a set of recommendations on science and technology in the process of sustainable development.

Performing at a high relevance level in the global political scenario will not be unprecedented for Fiocruz. Brazil and Fiocruz have contributed greatly to enhance the vision on the sustainable development and the design of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs since the Rio de Janeiro Summit (Rio 92), culminating in the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20). Brazil’s leading role has been instrumental in broadening social issues and recognizing the central role of Science, Technology and Innovation in achieving the SDGs.

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