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Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

Início do conteúdo

Patient care

(Photo: Peter Ilicciev)

Collaborating Centre for Quality of Care and Patient Safety (Proqualis), linked to the  Institute of Scientific and Technological Communication and Information in Health (ICICT), develops from the fact that one of the most important aspects for the improvement of health care provided to patients and to adopt measures to ensure their safety is dissemination of wide selected, updated and quality information for all involved in the chain of supply of such care.

From doctors, nurses and other health professionals to the patients themselves and the public in general. Consequently their organization through a portal network that facilitates access to these different agents anywhere in the country.

The choice of topics to be discussed considers the relevance of the problem in terms of magnitude, severity, epidemiological importance and vulnerability to technical and scientific assistance. The expectation is that Proqualis gradually consolidate over time, expanding its reach and breadth of topics and the different needs of the different public that it aims to achieve.

Proqualis cares for essentially for identification, organization and dissemination of health information, with the use of modern information technologies, in line with the institutional mission of ICICT and counting on the support provided by the Ministry of Health through the Health Care Secretary.

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