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Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

Início do conteúdo

Ethics in research

(Photo: Rogério Reis)

Research Ethics Committee

The Research Ethics Committee  (CEP) analyzes and evaluates the ethical aspects of experimental projects involving human participants, to ensure the welfare of those involved and the compliance with current legislation. In the CEP Fiocruz, some units of the Foundation have their own committees, with the same responsibilities and prerogatives. Additional information on CEP can be obtained by e-mail etica@fiocruz.br, by phone (55) (21) 3882-9000 (ext 9011) or by fax (55) (21) 2561-4815. The committee is administered by the Vice Presidency for Research and Reference Laboratory.

Committee on Research Integrity

The Committee on Research Integrity, unique of its kind in the country, is an initiative of the Vice Presidency for Research and Reference Laboratories, and it consists of 12 members with diverse backgrounds and experiences of specific areas of bioethics, scientific research, law, patents and intellectual property. The proposal is to develop guidelines for the researches conducted at the Foundation, based on values as honesty, reliability, impartiality, transparency. Besides, it intend to establish the correct and proper credit for all authors and the responsibility of each one for the effects that may occur during the research for humans, animals and environment.

Ethics Commission on Animal Use

The Ethics Commission on Animal Use (CEUA), linked to the Vice Presidency for Research and Reference Laboratory, is responsible for evaluating and qualifying ethics of experimental procedures involving the use of animals. Using this type of guinea pig is regulated by Decree No. 3179, from the Presidency of the Republic, by decree No. 242/99 of Fiocruz Presidency and the internal regulations of CEUA. Additional information can be obtained by e-mail ceua@fiocruz.br. or by the link Contact Us.

The ethics committees and comissions for specific units and institutes of Fiocruz are:

Ethics and Research Committee of the National School of Public Health (Ensp)
Ethics Committee of the Polytechnic School of Health Venancio Joaquim (EPSJV)
Ethics and Research Committee of the Institute Fernandes Fiqueira for Women, Child and Teenager (IFF)
Ethics and Research Committee of Evandro Chagas Institute for Clinical Research (Ipec)
Ethics and Research Committee of Gonçalo Moniz Research Center – Fiocruz Bahia
Ethics and Research Committee of René Rachou Research Center – Fiocruz Minas
Ethics and Research Committee of Aggeu Magalhães Research Center - Fiocruz Pernambuco
Ethics Commission on Animal Use (Ceua) Aggeu Magalhães Research Center - Fiocruz Pernambuco

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