
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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Data de publicação: 14/01/2025 - 10:57
The Technical-Scientific Monitoring Committee of Initiatives Related to COVID-19 Vaccines, composed of an independent group of experts from Fiocruz and outside the institution, issued a critical stance on Monday (January 13) regarding the article Evaluation of post-COVID mortality in cases classified as severe acute respiratory syndrome in Brazil: a longitudinal study for medium and long term, published in December 2024 by the scientific journal...
Data de publicação: 14/01/2025 - 10:37
Dear Editor,   As an independent and interinstitutional Advisory Committee[i] nominated by the President of Fiocruz during the COVID-19, we are writing to address key issues regarding the recent article by Rodrigues and Andrade[ii], which examined post-vaccination mortality rates after hospitalization by COVID-19. Although the article does not question the importance of vaccines, it presents imprecise and biased claims regarding...
Data de publicação: 10/01/2025 - 10:28
The Bolsa Família program (PBF, in the Portuguese acronym), one of the largest conditional income transfer programs worldwide, has been responsible for reducing tuberculosis (TB) cases and deaths by more than half among people living in extreme poverty and indigenous groups. This is what is evidenced by a study coordinated by the Institute of Collective Health (ISC/UFBA), the Center for Data and Knowledge Integration for Health (Cidacs/...
Data de publicação: 03/01/2025 - 10:43
The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, through the Leônidas and Maria Deane Institute (ILMD/Fiocruz Amazônia) and the Center for Data and Knowledge Integration for Health (Cidacs/Fiocruz), together with the University of Glasgow's School of Health & Wellbeing in the United Kingdom, have opened a selection process for proposals from young Brazilian and British PhD holders who wish to participate in the Amazonia BR/UK Workshop. The event...
Data de publicação: 17/12/2024 - 10:50
Fiocruz, the Sino-Brazilian Infectious Diseases Research and Prevention Center  (IDRPC) and the Center of Excellence for Emerging Infectious Diseases (CEEID) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences held in the first weeks of December, in Rio de Janeiro and Manaus, workshops to discuss cooperation in plant and human pathogens, with the theme One Health. The first of the meetings between Brazilian and Chinese scientists took place at the National...
Data de publicação: 17/12/2024 - 10:07
Fiocruz Pernambuco received this week the dean of Universidade Jean Piaget of Guinea-Bissau, Aladje Baldé, for an institutional visit that symbolized the beginning of a cooperative relationship between the two institutions. The meeting included the signing of a mutual collaboration agreement on scientific research and training. Aladje Baldé was received by the director of Fiocruz Pernambuco, Pedro Miguel dos Santos, and by...
Data de publicação: 09/12/2024 - 10:41
The Fiocruz Global Health Center (Cris/Fiocruz) - PAHO/WHO Collaborating Center on Global Health Diplomacy and South-South Cooperation - is open for applications for the Course on Current Affairs in Global Health and Health Diplomacy 2025. Higher education professionals and students in the areas of health, diplomacy and international relations, human sciences, social, and the like, as well as civil society leaders who work or wish to work with...
Data de publicação: 04/12/2024 - 16:25
The G20 Social, held at the Olympic Boulevard in Rio de Janeiro from November 14th to 16th, 2024, brought together global and national players to discuss and propose solutions to the most pressing challenges facing contemporary society. The event, which recorded more than 33,000 participants throughout the days, focused on issues related to sustainability, social equity, health and climate change, seeking to connect the agendas of the Paris...
Data de publicação: 29/11/2024 - 11:51
During the Belgian Economic Mission to Brazil, a historic memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed between the Brazilian Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) through its Institute of Technology on Immunobiologicals (Bio-Manguinhos), and the Belgian companies Quantoom Biosciences S.A. and Univercells S.A. in the presence of Her Royal Highness Princess Astrid of Belgium. This MoU represents a commitment to advance the development of RNA-based...
Data de publicação: 28/11/2024 - 14:26
"A considerable part of neonatal deaths and negative outcomes among newborns could be avoided if there were no racial inequalities in Brazil". This is what the research team at the Center for Data and Knowledge Integration for Health (Cidacs/Fiocruz Bahia) says. Published in the journal The Lancet Regional Health - Americas, the study investigates the consequences of racism suffered by pregnant women on their children and says that, if...
Data de publicação: 27/11/2024 - 13:39
"We have spent at least five years having to start our presentations by explaining that climate change does exist." The reminder comes from researcher Renata Gracie, a member of the Climate and Health Observatory, which turns 15 in 2024. The speech refers to a time (not so long ago) when changes in the planet's climate were not yet viewed with the necessary urgency, but the Observatory was already up and running. Linked to the...
Data de publicação: 25/11/2024 - 14:12
Increased hospitalizations and mortality from cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Spread of vector-borne diseases. Food insecurity and malnutrition. Mental health issues. These are some of the health impacts of the climate emergency that can already be observed, says Sandra Hacon, a researcher at the Sergio Arouca National School of Public Health (Ensp/Fiocruz). The professor also lists a series of signs and symptoms associated, for example...
Data de publicação: 21/11/2024 - 16:41
Fiocruz, the Brazilian Agency for Cooperation (ABC), and the Executive Secretariat of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP in the Portuguese acronym) signed a memorandum of understanding last Monday (November 18) in Lisbon, Portugal, marking a new phase in the structural international cooperation on public health between Brazil and Portuguese-speaking countries. The signing of the agreement was attended by Fiocruz President Mario...
Data de publicação: 21/11/2024 - 13:16
Gathered together in the Wildlife Studies Group (GEVS), researchers from various institutions published, at late September, an article in the British Ecological Society which points out that extreme environmental fires, such as those in the Pantanal in 2020, are likely to become increasingly common, driven by climate change. Carried out in collaboration with Sesc Pantanal employees who have been working in the area for more than 20 years, the...
Data de publicação: 13/11/2024 - 13:59
The consumption of alcoholic beverages represented a cost to Brazil of around R$18.8 billion (US$ 3.27 billion) in 2019. This is the conclusion of the study Estimação dos custos diretos e indiretos atribuíveis ao consumo do álcool no Brasil [Estimating the direct and indirect costs attributable to alcohol consumption in Brazil], carried out by Fiocruz Brasília under the leadership of researcher Eduardo Nilson...
Data de publicação: 12/11/2024 - 14:47
Amid the proliferation of speeches encouraging changes in personal habits as a way of preventing cancer, an international study carried out in seven countries, including Brazil, points out that knowledge about the disease and its causes has been markedly focused on the actions of individuals and masks the contribution of global industrial capital to the incidence and prevalence of neoplasms, the second leading cause of death worldwide, according...
Data de publicação: 07/11/2024 - 14:55
The Mosaic Project, coordinated by the French Research Institute for Development (IRD), began its data collection stage in Brazil this week, starting with the Alto Solimões region in Amazonas, in the Triple Border area (Brazil/Peru/Colombia), in the group's first mission to Latin America. The aim of the project is to implement open and replicable multimodal information ecosystems on the health of populations in Brazil's border...
Data de publicação: 01/11/2024 - 14:27
Fiocruz researchers presented work involving neglected diseases such as leprosy and malaria, as well as COVID-19, at the Annual Meeting of the Pasteur Network, which began 10/21 in Rio de Janeiro and is being held for the first time in the Americas, co-organized by the Foundation. Among the topics of the studies presented are the selection and formulation of more effective treatments and vaccines that do not yet exist in the country. These three...
Data de publicação: 17/10/2024 - 16:39
Fiocruz and GEMMA Biotherapeutics (GEMMABio) announced last Tuesday (10/8) an agreement to sponsor research focused on gene therapy treatments for the Brazilian population within the scope of the Unified Health System (SUS). The ultimate goal of the international partnership with the company founded by gene therapy expert Jim Wilson is to obtain approval for gene therapy programs that will enable the country to increase the distribution of...
Data de publicação: 09/10/2024 - 10:38
A study by Fiocruz Bahia used text mining to extract unstructured data from a Long-COVID research conducted at a university hospital in São Paulo. The aim of the work is to contribute to a deeper understanding of this chronic condition and its implications for global health systems. The model developed has potential for application in other healthcare settings, supporting broader research efforts and clinical decision-making for patients...
Data de publicação: 02/10/2024 - 16:20
Sergio Arouca National School of Public Health (ENSP/Fiocruz), through the International Cooperation Advisory and the SUS (the Brazilian national public health system) Observatory, will host an international seminar from October 3rd to 4th, 2024, to discuss the health systems of Brazil and France. The event will focus on territorial governance and Primary Health Care, bringing together experts and researchers from both countries to share...
Data de publicação: 02/10/2024 - 11:16
We are currently entering a new frontier of knowledge, in which tackling chronic-degenerative diseases, associated with increased life expectancy, has become an undeniable priority. Many current cancer drugs, for example, are subject to failures, relapses and unwanted side effects such as cardiotoxicity and nephrotoxicity. However, with the advent of biological therapies and, more recently, advanced therapies, we are witnessing a real revolution...
Data de publicação: 29/08/2024 - 11:04
Fiocruz has taken a significant step by institutionally recognizing the Virus Collection of the Biodiversity and Health Biobank (CVBBS), which is made up of viral strains and will be augmented with material from various regions of the country. It became official this month, following approval by the Technical Chamber for Biological Collections (CTcol/Fiocruz) and the updating of Ordinance No. 14 of 2023. The material can be accessed by scholars...
Data de publicação: 12/08/2024 - 16:43
Fiocruz, the Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) held a meeting last Wednesday (7/31) at the Foundation's campus in Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro, to align response, surveillance, and cooperation actions in response to health emergencies. The meeting brought together leaders from Fiocruz and directors of the WHO Health Emergencies Program and took place after the Global...
Data de publicação: 06/08/2024 - 12:14
Discussions around equity in access to vaccines and its connection with local production, funding and cooperation were some of the key points of discussions on the first day of the Global Pandemic Preparedness Summit (GPPS 2024), organized by Department of Health, Fiocruz and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (Cepi). The event, which took place in Rio de Janeiro from 7/ 29 to 7/30, had, in its opening, the participation of...


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