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Fundação Oswaldo Cruz uma instituição a serviço da vida

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Opening Key-Speakers



Paulo Marchiori Buss
Pediatrician and sanitarian Paulo Buss, the general coordinator of Fundação Oswaldo Cruz's Global Health Centre, was the president of Fiocruz for two terms (from 2001 to 2008), and recently took-over as the president of the World Federation of Public Health Associations. In 2005, during the 58th World Health Assembly, as Brazil's representative on the executive committee of the World Health Organization, he came into contact with the mentioned Organization's initiative on the social determinants of health (SDH), and since then has been politically engaged in disseminating this discussion.

Round Table Speakers:

1. Global health issues, migration, global epidemics

Anne Cécile Hoyez- CNRS, ESO
She is a researcher at CNRS (ESO ‘Espaces et Sociétés’ - UMR 6590 / Université Rennes 2) since 2008. She is a geographer, involved in the ongoing reflections on the scope of health geography in social geography. She works since her thesis (2000-2005, University of Rouen, France) and post-doctorate (India, UK and France) on a health geography aiming at addressing the question of social and spatial inequalities. Since 2016, she coordinates the MIGSAN scientific program (“Migration and health: health and healing experiences of newly arrived immigrants in France”), a multidisciplinary research project funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR). The project echoes national and international agenda on immigration and health issues and it articulates fundamental and empirical research on the newly arrived immigrants’ experiences and healthcare trajectories, with analysis of professional practices, and with a particular focus on immigrants living with chronic disease (HIV and hepatitis), women and pregnancy, and homelessness. 
Professional page :  https://perso.univ-rennes2.fr/anne.cecile.hoyez

Frédéric Keck- LAS, EHESS/ CNRS
After joining the CNRS in 2005, he carried out ethnographic studies on health crises relating to animal diseases: BSE, SARS, “avian” and “swine” flu. His work, at the interface between the history of science, the sociology of risk, and the anthropology of nature, describes the “biosecurity” standards applied to humans and animals, as well as the techniques they involve to anticipate  and prepare for ecological disasters.
He was a laureate of the Fondation Fyssen en 2007, received the CNRS bronze medal in 2011, and has been a fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research since 2015. He directed the department of research and teaching  at the Musée du quai Branly between 2014 and 2018, and the Laboratory for social anthropology since January 2019. 
Professional page : http://las.ehess.fr/index.php?1815

Gustavo Matta, ENSP/Fiocruz
He is currently a public health researcher at the National School of Public Health Sérgio Arouca - Fiocruz, coordinator of the Zika Social Sciences Network. He has experience in Collective Health, with emphasis on Health Policy and Planning, working mainly on the following topics: global health, health emergencies and preparedness, primary health care, and social studies of health science and technology.

Marcos Cueto, COC/Fiocruz
He is currently a scientific co-editor of the journal História, Ciências, Saúde Manguinhos, at Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, researcher at Casa Oswaldo Cruz, FIOCRUZ, where he teaches disciplines on health history in Latin America and on international health history. The current researches are about the history of health in Latin America, global health and the history of the World Health Organization.

2.Access to healthcare and health systems, public policies, care of vulnerable populations

Claude-Olivier Doron, associate professor in history of philosophy of sciences (Université de Paris/SPHERE-Centre Canguilhem)
He works mainly on a long term history of the concepts of "race" and "degeneration", focusing in particular on the history of racial science in late XVIIIth-early XIXth century, the history of psychiatry and forensics in the XIXth century France, and, more recently, on the history of the notion of "race" in genetics and anthropology after 1945. He has published various articles on these questions and a book L'homme altéré. Races et dégénérescence (XVIIe-XIXe siècles). He is also the editor of various Michel Foucault's courses such as Théories et institutions pénales (2015) and, more recently, the Cours sur la sexualité (2018). Another part of his work has been dedicated to study the relationships between psychiatry and the penal system in France, focusing on the government of dangerousness and sexual offenders in penal policies, and on the way mental health issues and extreme poverty are over-represented in French jails. He has, in particular, worked with Médecins du monde to develop jail diversion programs for the populations concerned with this issues. 
Professionnal page : 

Marcelo Firpo, ENSP/FIOCRUZ
He is a social medicine researcher since 1986 at Sergio Arouca National School of Public Health, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. In 2017 he became an associate researcher at the Center for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra. He works in the Public Health program (master's and doctoral degree) of ENSP / FIOCRUZ. In 2018 he created and acts as coordinator of the Ecologies, Epistemologies and Emancipatory Health Promotion Center (Neepes / ENSP / Fiocruz).

Marie Gaille, SPHERE, DR CNRS and adjunct scientific director, InSHS, CNRS
Marie Gaille’s research focuses on the history and the meanings of the relationship between medicine, anthropology, and philosophy. It intends to highlight the implications of illness’ experience, the embodied dimension of humain life and its relatedness to its environment. Her work also deals with medical decision at the patient’s bedside as a crossroads between ethical and legal issues, a state of medical knowledge and cure and care practices. Her conceptual approach is anchored in the history of medicine and grounded on a contexual methodology that includes fieldworks in medical settings (hospitals). 
Professional page : http://www.sphere.univ-paris-diderot.fr/spip.php?article1040&lang=fr

Monika Steffen, DR CNRS em, PACTE, University Grenoble-Alps, Grenoble Science-Po School.
Her research develops a public policy approach to human health and healthcare systems. It focuses on how contemporary societies protect health, as a collective good and for the individual citizen, by studying the relationship, in different social and political contexts, between public authority, social actors, and private responsibility. Research fields range from models of universal access to medical care and prevention policies, with an emphasis on governance structures, reform trajectories, interest representation and public participation, to the global management of epidemics such as AIDS or VHC, and the care challenges in aging societies. She is engaged in comparative work, including E.U. health policy, Japan, and more recently Brazil. 
Professional page: https://www.pacte-grenoble.fr/membres/monika-steffen

Roberta Gondim, Ensp/Fiocruz
Professor and researcher at the National School of Public Health / Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. She works in the areas of public policy analysis; social sciences and health; and health planning and management. Special attention is given to the study of topics related to the production of knowledge and health practices to socially vulnerable populations, focusing on Primary Health Care; Racism and health; Inequalities and subalternities in light of decolonial approaches in dialogue with collective health. She works in the fields of teaching, research and extension.

3. Environmental health, human health and biodiversity

Christovam Barcellos, ICICT/Fiocruz
Christovam is a geographer and he is currently a researcher at the Health Information Laboratory of the Institute of Communication and Scientific and Technological Information in Health (Lis / Icict). He is active in the research and teaching of Health Geography, with emphasis on Health Surveillance, mainly in the following subjects: geoprocessing, spatial analysis, health indicators and geographic information systems.

Laura Centemeri, CEMS/ CNRS
Laura Centemeri is Researcher (Chargée de recherche) in Environmental Sociology at the French CNRS. She works at the Centre d’Étude des Mouvements Sociaux (CEMS) of the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS, Paris). She applies the perspective of the sociology of critical capacities to the understanding of the variety of forms of environmental activism and mobilisations. She has done research on post-disaster and environmental health related mobilisations in Italy, and she is currently doing research on the transnational movement of permaculture as one of the most relevant expressions of climate change activism. Professional page : http://cems.ehess.fr/index.php?3393

Luiz Augusto Galvão, CRIS/Fiocruz
Luiz Galvao currently works at the Centro de Relações Internacionais em Saúde - Global Health Center -CRIS, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Luiz does research in Social Policy, Science, Technology and Environmental Politics and International Relations. Their current project is health on the Agenda 2030 and its SDGs.

Sylvie Ollitrault, Senior Researcher CNRS, DU Arènes.
Her research focuses on environmental and environmental mobilisations. The sociology ofmobilisations and protests is the heart of her work. Engaged in many local research networks (Network of sociologists of the West Atlantic environment -GIS Institute of the Americas-Rennes), national (AFSP) and international (ECPR ...), she participates in multidisciplinary teams on environmental issues , ecology or environmental health. Currently, she is analysing the contemporary changes in the modes of collective action in our societies and the new relationships that social groups have with their environment..
Another field of research occupies me that of the relation to the violence in our societies, that is why my works deal with the militant radicals and the question of the radicalisation. I am a member of many research groups at the national level on the issue of radicalization and ultra commitments. I am associated with CERI UMR CNRS / Sciences Po Paris and work on the issue of contemporary violence. Recently : OLLITRAULT. S., HAYES Graeme, SOMMIER Isabelle, (2019) Breaking the Laws, Amsterdam University Press.

Dominichi Miranda de Sá
She degreed in History from UERJ (1995), a master's degree (1999) and a doctorate (2003) in Social History at UFRJ, a scholarship period at École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales de Paris (2001-2002) and postdoctoral (2008) by the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz (COC) / Fiocruz. She is professor of the Graduate Program in History of Science and Health (PPGHCS) and researcher in the Department of Research in History of Science and Health (DEPES) of Casa de Oswaldo Cruz / Fiocruz. She is member of the board of the Brazilian Society of History of Science (SBHC) (biennia 2012-2014 as general secretary, 2014-2016 as vice president, 2016-2021 in the Deliberative Council) and the board of ANPUH-RIO. She integrates the Technical Chamber of Research of the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz and the Technical Chamber of Health and Environment of Fiocruz. She is teaching theory of history, history and future, intellectual history, environmental history and history of science. Her research objects are: scientific trips and knowledge of the territory in Brazil in the XX century; history of conservation and preservation of nature in the 20th century; history of ecology; health and environmental impacts of development projects.

4.Cross-cutting theme / in the first part of the conference: health databases, care pathways and bioethics

Carine Milcent, researcher CNRS
She is economist, conducting research and modelling in the fields of health economics. Researcher at CNRS, since 2002, she is also vice-President of the scientific council of the Technical Agency for Hospital Information and Reimbursment System (ATIH), member of the scientific council of the Santé Publique France (SpF) and  member de scientific committee selection of the Fulbright grant  (Franco-American Commission). She received her Ph.D in Economy from the University of Paris-X, Paris and her Ph.D. Supervisor certification from the University of Paris-I Sorbonne. After a Post-Doc at Stanford University, she was visiting associate professor at HEC-Lausanne and then, at School of Economics and Management (SEM), Tsing Hua University (Beijing, China) and researcher at the CNRS (French scientific research funding agency, France). Rewarded with different grants including a Fulbright fellowship grant, she shares her research interest between French and Chinese health and healthcare access challenges. Econometrician, her expertise is healthcare systems focusing on the demand side i.e. patient’s well-being and on the supply side, assessing the impacts of the development of e-health and the increase needs of the ageing population.

Maurício Barreto, CIDACS/Fiocruz
Coordinator of the Center for Data Integration and Knowledge for Health CIDACS - Fiocruz. He holds a medical degree and in 2018 was invited to compose the Advisory Technical Group on Evidence and Intelligence for Health Action of the Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization (PAHO / WHO). In 2014 he became a senior researcher at Instituto Gonçalo Moniz (IGM / Fiocruz-Bahia). Leads a research group focused on epidemiological aspects of infectious diseases, malnutrition and asthma, evaluation of the population impact of interventions, and theoretical and methodological aspects of Epidemiology.

Philippe Terral, Université de Toulouse, MSH Toulouse and PROGEDO
Sociologist and researcher at the University of Toulouse. He studies the development of different types of expertise concerning efficient or pathological bodies. The research is focused on the tensions and means of coordination between these areas of expertise. He is the deputy director of the “Maison des Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société” of Toulouse and the coordinator of the health department of PROGEDO which is a large infrastructure ensuring the implementation of a public policy for social sciences and humanities in France. Professional page : http://cresco.univ-tlse3.fr/terral-philippe-384378.kjsp

Sergio Rego, ENSP/Fiocruz
Medical Doctor with a PhD in Public Health. Coordinator of the Graduate Program on Bioethics, applied ethics and public health at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation - National School of Public Health.

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