
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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Data de publicação: 13/03/2014 - 14:49
The Fiocruz Clinical Research Network was created in November 2012. The main objective of the network is to strengthen the strategic role of clinical research carried out at Fiocruz, overcoming technological hurdles in the country, and contributing to the achievement of autonomy and self-sufficiency in the development of rational health processes and products for the Brazilian population. Specific objectives are:  to establish a...
Páginas Institucionais (antigas)
Data de publicação: 27/02/2013 - 15:12
From left to right, seated: Carlos Chagas (1º), José Gomes de Faria (2º), Antônio Cardoso Fontes (3º), Max Hartmann (4º), Oswaldo Cruz (5º), Stanislas Von Prowazek (6º), Adolpho Lutz (7º), Alcides Godoy (8º). Stand up: Arthur Neiva (1º), Henrique da Rocha Lima (2º), Henrique Figueiredo de Vasconcelos (3º), Henrique Aragão (4º). 1908-1909.
Data de publicação: 27/02/2013 - 15:02
Oswaldo Cruz with the american ex-president Theodore Roosevelt during his visit to Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Rio de Janeiro, october 1913 (Collection: Casa de Oswaldo Cruz)
Data de publicação: 27/02/2013 - 14:55
Oswaldo Cruz (1903)
Data de publicação: 27/02/2013 - 14:54
Oswaldo Cruz with his wife, Hercília Oswaldo Cruz, his parents in law and other family members at Granja do Vidigal, Rio de Janeiro,1895
Data de publicação: 27/02/2013 - 14:45
Charge about Oswaldo Cruz and the sanitary campaign “Effeitos da Varíola” (Samallpox efects) undertaken by him
Data de publicação: 20/02/2013 - 09:58
Oswaldo Cruz looking into a microscope, next to his son Bento and Burle de Figueiredo, at one of the laboratories at Manguinhos Castle, 1910 (Collection: Casa de Oswaldo Cruz)
Data de publicação: 12/09/2012 - 17:03
The Regional Board of Brasilia (Direb), also known as Fiocruz Brasília, represents the Foundation in view of organs from the Executive and Legislative powers, public and private institutions, besides developing teaching, research, communication and public health accessory activities. The instance of Fiocruz in the Federal capital aims to contribute for the consolidation of the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) – the...
Páginas Institucionais (antigas)
Data de publicação: 30/07/2012 - 16:18
Por Daniela Lessa The 20ª World Breastfeeding Week (from 1st to 7th, August), promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO), will be celebrated in Brazil and Latin America with events at human milk banks that compose the Brazilian Human Milk Banks Network (rBLH) and the Ibero-american Program of Human Milk Banks (IberBLH). The oficial openning of the Breastfeeding Week in Brasil will happen at August 1st, at Rio de Janeiro, with...
Páginas Institucionais (antigas)
Data de publicação: 30/07/2012 - 11:09
Páginas Institucionais (antigas)
Data de publicação: 27/07/2012 - 16:42
It is a space of integration between science, culture and society, the Museum of Life aims to inform and educate in science, health and technology in a creative and entertaining manner, through permanent exhibits, interactive activities, multimedia, theater, video and labs. It is located in the campus of Oswaldo Cruz Foundation at Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro, and opens from Tuesday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and on Saturdays...
Páginas Institucionais (antigas)
Data de publicação: 27/07/2012 - 16:02
As a virtual museum and a scientific journal, Invivo is an interactive virtual area of the Museum of Life, that provides information about health, science and technology to a general audience. Invivo mission is help people to understand scientific processes and its impact to everyday life. Visit Invivo.
Páginas Institucionais (antigas)
Data de publicação: 09/07/2012 - 15:55
The brazilian net of human milk bank was recently mencioned in an article from the britain journal The Guardian. The article “Western donors could learn from Brazil's new brand of development aid” is about the success of the brazilian international cooperation foccused on south-south relationships.    
Data de publicação: 09/07/2012 - 15:17
Cadernos de Saúde Pública/Reports in Public Health (CSP) - is a monthly journal produced by Sergio Arouca National School of Public Health (Ensp). The journal publishes original articles on public health, including epidemiology, nutrition, health planning, ecology, environmental health, and social sciences in health, among other related fields. All articles are carefully reviewed by the CSP editorial board, organized on the basis...
Páginas Institucionais (antigas)
Data de publicação: 06/07/2012 - 16:17
Currently we live in a time of change and technological advancement allowing the migration from the printed book to the digital medias. Digital Laboratory of Rare Collection arises to implement the concept of preservation and access to treasures of Rare Publications Section from Biomedical Science Library situated at Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. Thus making possible the preservation of the information and the access to it at the same time.The online...
Páginas Institucionais (antigas)
Data de publicação: 06/07/2012 - 10:01
Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz  is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes original researches throughout the fields of tropical medicine (including pathology, field epidemiology and clinical studies) medical parasitology (including protozoology, helminthology, entomology and malacology), and medical microbiology (virology, bacteriology and mycology). The Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), responsible for assessing...
Páginas Institucionais (antigas)
Data de publicação: 25/06/2012 - 10:58
Fiocruz, through strategic initiatives such as the consolidation of the National Network of Science and Technology in Health, initiated in 2009 the installation of its unit in Rondônia. To do so, it performed the incorporation of the Tropical Pathology Research Institute in Rondônia (Ipepatro), a private civil association, nonprofit, linked to the Ministry of Health (MS), which already had a scientific cooperation agreement with...
Unidades e escritórios (antigo)
Data de publicação: 25/06/2012 - 10:58
The Fiocruz project in Piauí provides development of studies on biomes, infectious diseases, worker health, maternal and child health, among other fields, besides the development of training and education programs focused on the demands of the state. Through local, regional and federal partnerships, some actions are ongoing, such as holding seminars with local leaders and research groups focused on subsidizing the establishment of unit...
Unidades e escritórios (antigo)
Data de publicação: 25/06/2012 - 10:57
In 2011, Fiocruz opened a regional office in Campo Grande - capital of Mato Grosso do Sul State. The unit is part of the policy of expansion and regionalization of the activities of science and technology for strengthening the capacity of state intervention, combined with policies to reduce regional inequalities. The professionals at Fiocruz Mato Grosso do Sul work in four priority thematic areas: environment and Health - biodiversity and...
Unidades e escritórios (antigo)
Data de publicação: 25/06/2012 - 10:57
The unit of Owaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) in Ceará has as main objectives to strengthen the primary health care and the Family Health Strategy, acting in the area of research, development and innovation in pharmaceuticals, medicines, health equipment and materials, and to conduct scientific research aimed at environmental and epidemiological reality of the region, among other activities. Since February 2009, Fiocruz maintains a...
Unidades e escritórios (antigo)
Data de publicação: 25/06/2012 - 10:56
The Human Resources Directory (Direh), body linked to the Fiocruz Presidency by Fiocruz Vice Presidency of Management and Institutional Development, is a technical-administrative unit established in 1992. The unit has the task to manage activities and general policies for labor management, as well as plan, coordinate, supervise and execute activities related to the processes of performance evaluation, selection, and development of people, job...
Unidades e escritórios (antigo)
Data de publicação: 25/06/2012 - 10:56
Unit to support to the Presidency, the Deliberative Council and other bodies of Fiocruz in strategic decision-making. Provides advice and subsidies for the formulation, implementation and evaluation of public health policies, as well as instrument and processes for planning and management. Diplan maintains permanent relationship with the planning centers of the various units of Fiocruz, and promote regular meetings of its representatives on the...
Unidades e escritórios (antigo)
Data de publicação: 25/06/2012 - 10:53
It is responsible for managing the physical space of Fiocruz. Acts on all campuses of the institution in Rio de Janeiro and in the research centers of Minas Gerais, Amazonas, Pernambuco, Bahia, Brasilia, Parana and Rondônia. In Mato Grosso unit is responsible for engineering projects. The Board acts as a city hall that manages activities related to maintenance, projects and works, general services and the environment. Address Avenida...
Unidades e escritórios (antigo)
Data de publicação: 25/06/2012 - 10:53
Regulatory unit of the central management, its activities are concentrated in the planning, coordination, supervision and execution of business operations, the economic-financial management and management information. Manages the financial resources, playing the role of "accounting sector". Monitors the budgetary execution of resources allocated in the various units of Fiocruz and manages the acquiring process of goods and services,...
Unidades e escritórios (antigo)
Data de publicação: 25/06/2012 - 10:43
Act in the area of research, technological development and innovation. Provides reference services for the diagnosis of infectious and genetic diseases and vector control, supported by internal committees that ensure the biosecurity standards, quality and environmental management. The Institute also maintains scientific collections of national and international importance, and training engineers and scientists through professional education and...
Unidades e escritórios (antigo)


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