
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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Fiocruz's vice president of Production and Innovation in Health observed that the project has proved effective, reducing dengue cases

Oswaldo Cruz Institute confirmed the presence of the parasite that causes the disease in mollusks collected in the city of Nova Iguaçu

In technical note, researchers from Icict/Fiocruz also draw attention to the mental health of people affected by the floods in the state

The ceremony took place in Rio de Janeiro, highlighting the scientific community that submitted projects and Brazilian research

Historical photo of the castel's construction
Photos are part of the historical files of Fiocruz, that keep text documents, maps, films and tapes
Art with the castel of Fiocruz and an open book
Read the Foundation's Policy on Open Access
Aedes aegypt
Fiocruz is one of the leading institutions on Zika's research. See here some of the newest findings on the theme
The newsletter of the Fiocruz Global Health Center highlights the latest news about researches, international agreements, courses and more
Photo of the building of Fiocruz Africa
First international unit
Official English-language Twitter account of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation
Fiocruz nas redes sociais
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