
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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Data de publicação: 15/03/2019 - 11:45
According to scientific research, the chikungunya virus arrived in Brazil at least a year earlier than it was detected by public health surveillance systems. The findings are from researchers at the Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), in an article published by the academic journal Scientific Reports, from Nature Group. The intent of the research is to assist in decision making...
Data de publicação: 18/02/2019 - 10:48
A new study confirms the World Mosquito Program’s (WMP) Wolbachia method limits transmission of the yellow fever virus in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, reducing the threat of urban outbreaks of the disease. Following this research, the WMP’s method has now been demonstrated to be effective against four mosquito-borne diseases including dengue, Zika, chikungunya and yellow fever. Published on Gates Open Research, the study...
Data de publicação: 15/02/2019 - 11:28
Despite being about half the population, women are still a minority in science. They are only 30% of the world's scientists and have received only 3% of Nobel Prize nominations in the scientific fields. In Brazil, only 14% of the members of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences are women. Considering this, the United Nations have established, in 2015, February 11 as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, in line with the...
Data de publicação: 12/02/2019 - 15:10
Boletim Internacional
Data de publicação: 12/02/2019 - 14:19
The director of the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC), Ambassador Ruy Pereira, visited Fiocruz on Friday (8/2) to discuss the next steps of the partnership between the two institutions, which was consolidated in a Protocol of Intent signed in November. Ambassador met with the president of the Foundation, Nísia Trindade Lima, and other representatives of the institution (photo: Peter Ilicciev) The ambassador met with the...
Data de publicação: 05/02/2019 - 15:04
The Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) approves Fiocruz's first research project in Antarctica. The project will have a four-year duration and researchers will embark on this new adventure at the end of 2019. The partnership opens a new and important work front by Fiocruz in Antarctica.   According to project coordinator and Fiocruz researcher Wim Degrave, the impacts of Antarctica...
Data de publicação: 04/02/2019 - 16:19
Dams do not break by a divine design. Collapses are caused by physical, mechanical factors. And these factors only lead to disasters in the face of neglect and omission framework. That is, neither God nor Newton should be blamed for the tragedies of the dam collapses, but the negligent companies and the omissive and permissive state. After the Samarco tragedy in November 2015, UN Special Rapporteurs for Human Rights warned and repeatedly...
Data de publicação: 31/01/2019 - 16:07
Since 2014, great chikungunya and zika fever epidemics have ravaged Brazil and other countries in the Americas, being added to dengue fever to compose a group of mosquito-transmitted febrile diseases that represent an emerging urban public health issue: the arboviroses. Thus, the correct clinical differentiation of each one of those diseases has become even more difficult. Furthermore, a simultaneous infection (coinfection) by more than one...
Data de publicação: 31/01/2019 - 15:47
A hormone released by muscles during exercise can be the key to revert memory loss caused by Alzheimer's disease. This neurodegenerative disease has no cure and leads to the progressive impairment of a person's activities and to a wide range of neuropsychiatric symptoms and behavioral changes. Mouse studies showed that irisin improves neuron communication, preserving synapses. The hormone also prevents toxins that cause neurodegenerative...
Data de publicação: 29/01/2019 - 14:10
President of Fiocruz Nísia Trindade de Lima met with the new representative of the Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) in Brazil, Socorro Gross on January 24th, at the PAHO / WHO headquarters in Brasilia. Photo: PAHO/WHO   At the time, they talked about the several partnerships their institutions have. The Foundation is home to five PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centers and cooperate with the...
Data de publicação: 24/01/2019 - 15:15
The Consul General of Canada in Brazil, Evelyne Coulumbe, visited the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) last Tuesday (21st January), where she met representatives of the institution and President Nísia Trindade de Lima. Vice-Consul Marie-Hèlène Béland, a specialist in the theme of Science, Technology and Innovation, also participated in the visit, which aimed to strengthen health cooperation between the two countries...
Data de publicação: 17/01/2019 - 14:52
Fernandes Figueira National Institute for Women, Children and Adolescents Health (IFF/Fiocruz) was visited in November by a group of 13 foreign midwives that wanted to learn more about the activities undertaken by each reference area of the institution, like the Breast Milk Bank (BLH-IFF) and the Pregnancy Care Center. This was the first trip to Brazil organized for foreign midwives as a response to the number of obstetric nurses in the United...
Data de publicação: 27/12/2018 - 11:15
The Technological Platform for Participative Monitoring in Zoonosis Emergence, coordinated by the researcher Márcia Chame, was one of the winning initiatives in the 2018 SDG Brazil Award, in the Teaching, Research, and Extension category, granted by the Government Secretariat of the Presidency of Republic. The ceremony was performed on the last Thursday (12/13), in Planalto Palace, Brasília. Coordinated by the researcher M...
Data de publicação: 19/12/2018 - 10:41
Boletim Internacional
Data de publicação: 18/12/2018 - 12:16
Researcher of Gonçalo Moniz Institute (IGM/Fiocruz Bahia) Guilherme de Sousa Ribeiro coordinated a clinical and epidemiological study using intracranial imaging exams to rule in or rule out the occurrence of any congenital brain abnormalities in children with suspected microcephaly potentially related to zika virus infection in Salvador, Bahia. The research was conducted in collaboration with the Center for Strategic Information...
Data de publicação: 17/12/2018 - 14:52
The 6th Brazil Africa Forum, held on November 22nd and 23rd, 2018 by the Brazil Africa Forum, in Salvador, Bahia chose the theme Youth Empowerment: Transformation to Achieve Sustainable Development. The event brought together Government representatives, companies, universities and potential investors to strengthen ties and promote new partnerships among Portuguese-speaking African countries. Photo: Fiocruz Bahia   In the first day...
Data de publicação: 11/12/2018 - 11:30
Climate changes are the major health concern of the 21st century. The increased global temperature is already felt in current heat waves, vector-borne diseases and in the food security of populations around the globe. Twenty-seven academic institutions of all continents, including Fiocruz, have just published the Lancet Countdown report to monitor this. The report, which exists since 2016 and gathers 41 indicators, warns of risks health...
Data de publicação: 11/12/2018 - 10:59
In Brazil, a mother is as vulnerable as her child born with microcephaly due to zika in the last three years, as well as the other women involved in this child daily care. With a systematic routine of doctor’s appointments, stimulation and recovery activities for the child, they had to stop working - which impacts family income - abandon personal projects and face the difficulties of a health system unprepared to care for their children....
Data de publicação: 10/12/2018 - 14:25
Myths about migration and health – including that migrants are disease carriers and are a burden on services – are pervasive and harmful to individuals and society. The normalisation of these myths in popular discourse has allowed governments to introduce hostile and restrictive policies in many countries around the world – including the detention of migrants at US borders, and the denial of treatment to migrants in the UK...
Data de publicação: 28/11/2018 - 16:02
Representatives of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) visited Fiocruz on 30th October for a planning meeting on cooperation between both institutions. Discussions included ways to strengthen the relationship between the institutions to expand the existing partnership between projects or specific laboratories for institutional cooperation, in accordance with the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2014...
Data de publicação: 28/11/2018 - 14:49
The newly appointed director of the Pasteur Institute, Department of Technology and Scientific Programs, Cristophe D’Enfert, visited Fiocruz on September 26. D’Enfert came to Brazil with two senior researchers of the French Institute to participate in the 1st Symposium on Fungal Infections Immunopathogenesis, which took place at Carlos Chagas Institute (ICC/Fiocruz Paraná), between September 27 and 29, 2019. During their...
Data de publicação: 28/11/2018 - 14:19
The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) just launched a Twitter account in English. The tool has the purpose of providing institutional news with interest to the international community. Fiocruz already has an international newsletter, which has just completed two years. “The new Twitter account is an addition to the strategy of narrowing the contact with institutions worldwide addressing science, technology and public health topics,”...
Data de publicação: 28/11/2018 - 11:56
A group of researchers from the National Institute of Women, Children and Adolescents Health Fernandes Figueira (IFF/Fiocruz), led by the physician Lucia Monteiro from the Pediatric Urodynamics Outpatient Unit, published an article in the international journal Plos One with new results confirming changes that interfere with the normal bladder functioning in infants born of women infected with the zika virus during pregnancy. This is the...
Data de publicação: 26/11/2018 - 16:07
For the first time, Fiocruz will be one of the cohosts of the Global Sustainable Technology & Innovation Conferences (G-STIC), that takes place in Brussel, Belgium, between 28 and 30 of November. Aiming to promote new technologies with the potential to solve the biggest contemporary challenges in sustainability area, the event will gather heads of state and government, opinion leaders, policy makers and internationally renowned delegates of...
Data de publicação: 16/11/2018 - 16:03
Forty years after the Declaration of Alma-Ata ensuring the human universal right to health, the Declaration of Astana was launched at the Global Conference on Primary Health Care, which took place on 25-26 October in Kazakhstan. Fiocruz and the Brazilian Health Council (BHC) reaffirm the commitment of the Declaration of Alma-Ata to the defense of social justice, health for all and overcoming inequalities between and within countries....


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