
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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British delegation visits Fiocruz ahead of G20 Research and Innovation WG meeting in Recife


Cristina Azevedo (Fiocruz News Agency)


Adam Jackson, director of the UK Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT), was at Fiocruz last Tuesday, May 21st, for the G20 Research and Innovation Working Group meeting, which will take place in Recife starting on May 22nd. Jackson came to learn about the Foundation's priorities, as well as to identify potential areas for cooperation in innovation and research.

Adam Jackson came to learn about the Foundation's priorities, as well as identify potential areas for cooperation in innovation and research (photo: Disclosure)

The visit was accompanied by bilateral meetings to learn more about the innovation process in Brazil, including with Fiocruz. "We are very proud of the collaboration between Brazil and the UK, also during the COVID-19 pandemic," said the British director after visiting the Immunobiological Technology Institute (Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz). "There is so much incredible research and production facilities here. And we have so many common challenges. So we can work together in the future," he added.

Jackson arrived accompanied by a delegation of seven people, including the director for Latin America of the British Science and Innovation Network, Rossa Commane, and was received at the Mourisco Castle by the vice president of Production and Innovation in Health, Marco Krieger. In a meeting at the Castle, accompanied by the director of Bio-Manguinhos, Maurício Zuma Medeiros; the head of the Laboratory of Respiratory Viruses and Measles at the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (IOC/Fiocruz), Marilda Siqueira, who participated online; and Fernando Couto Motta, from the same laboratory, Krieger gave a brief explanation of Fiocruz's complex ecosystem, "ranging from basic research to vaccine production", and its multiple roles, including the two hospitals in Rio de Janeiro: the Hospital Center of the National Institute of Infectology (INI/Fiocruz) and the hospital of the National Institute of Women's, Children's and Adolescents' Health Fernandes Figueira (IFF/Fiocruz).

"Innovation in health is not simple. Infrastructure, systems and partnerships are needed. We need to fill the gaps," said Krieger, explaining that the Foundation's partnerships are not limited to Brazilian institutions and recalling that the UK's support was very important during the pandemic.

Marilda Siqueira, for her part, highlighted not only Fiocruz's performance during COVID-19, but also the need for continuous vigilance. "We cannot stop, because influenza is always a challenge, and COVID-19 is always a challenge. We need to continue," she said.

The group was also very interested in climate change. The British delegation also included Jessica Longstaff, member of the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology; Suzanne Burn, representative of the Americas, Middle East and Africa Bilateral Relations team; Laura Flaquer Moreira, Science and Innovation Officer; Fernanda Hamilton, Head of Science and Innovation in Brazil; and Adriana Alcântara, Climate Science Manager.

Fiocruz also had the participation of Felipe Naveca, head of the Surveillance Center for Emerging, Re-emerging and Neglected Viruses; Ricardo Khouri, researcher at Fiocruz Bahia; Ricardo Godoi, deputy director of Innovation at Bio-Manguinhos; Denise Lobo, coordinator of Institutional Relations at Bio-Manguinhos; Sandra Soares, advisor to the Vice President of Production and Innovation in Health; and Ilka Maria Vilardo Montefinese, advisor to the Center for International Relations.

Meeting in Recife

From Rio, Adam Jackson heads to Recife, where the 3rd G20 Research and Innovation Working Group Meeting begins on Wednesday 22nd. The WG has representatives from more than 40 delegations, including G20 members, guest countries and international organizations.

For three days, they will discuss issues such as the democratization of science, the preservation of the Amazon, biodiversity, energy transition, pandemic control and policies to promote diversity, among other topics. The aim is to come up with a proposal focused on open innovation, with a view to fair and sustainable global development.

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