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Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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Fiocruz participates in the 1st Congress of Human Milk Banks of the CPLP


Juliana Brum (IFF/Fiocruz)


Between May 13th and 16th, the 1st Congress of Human Milk Banks of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP) took place in Luanda, Angola. The event was organized by the governments of Brazil and Angola, in partnership with the CPLP. With the central topic Human Milk Banks: Food and Nutritional Security Strategy for Newborns at Risk and Infants, the Congress promoted the exchange of experiences and knowledge on breastfeeding and Human Milk Banks between Brazil and Portuguese language countries.

Event brought together authorities and more than 200 Angolan health professionals (photo: Disclosure)

After the Pre-Congress on May 13th, at the opening ceremony on May 14th, Angola's Minister of Health, Silvia Paula Valentim Lutucuta, greeted those present and highlighted the importance of the meeting. "Angola is honored to host this event. May this Congress be a milestone in our joint journey to promote maternal and child health and a moment of collaboration to expand the Network of Human Milk Banks and the donation of human milk to premature newborns in Angola."

For Brazil's ambassador to Angola, Rafael Vidal, "strengthening our national health systems is a priority on the Brazilian government's international technical cooperation agenda, at multilateral and bilateral levels and between Portuguese language countries".

Felipe Proenço, Secretary of Primary Health Care at the Brazilian Ministry of Health, then highlighted Brazil's role in sharing strategies to promote breastfeeding. "Brazil currently cooperates with several countries, providing technical support for setting up and qualifying Human Milk Banks. The BLHs [Human Milk Banks] are an important strategy for tackling infant mortality."

Director of IFF/Fiocruz, Antônio Flávio Meirelles spoke about the strategic role of the Institute, which has the first Human Milk Bank in Brazil. "It is an important cooperation with the CPLP countries, because human milk saves lives. Brazil exports technology and quality certification for human milk to many countries around the world, which is a source of pride."

The official opening table was also attended by the Minister of State for Social Affairs, Dalva Ringote, and the Director of Cooperation at the CPLP Executive Secretariat, Manuel Lapão. Next, Danielle Aparecida da Silva, coordinator of the rBLH and the Human Milk Bank at IFF/Fiocruz, presented the slogan chosen for the mobilization of World Human Milk Donation Day in 2024: "Love in every drop donated, life in every drop received". Theslogan was devised by the winner of the global selection process, Maria Emilia Berganza Brusquetti, from Paraguay.

Afterwards, the coordinator of the Global Network of Human Milk Banks, João Aprígio Guerra, stressed the value of the search for self-sufficiency in human milk, led by Brazil. "Congratulations to everyone, and above all to the mothers who breastfeed their children, who overcome obstacles and who need a lot of support from society, from structures, from the government, and from all of us, because this simple act of breastfeeding, imbued with so much meaning, is a responsibility of us all." João Aprígio also recalled that World Human Milk Donation Day, May 19th, is a Brazilian proposal, born at IFF/Fiocruz.

Then, in the panel An overview of the Human Milk Bank action in the CPLP, the manager of the Executive Secretariat of the Brazilian Network of Human Milk Banks (rBLH), Mariana Simões Barros, reported that Brazil has 233 Human Milk Banks and 209 Human Milk Collection Stations, covering all regions and states of the country. Each Brazilian state has a State Reference Center, while IFF/Fiocruz is the National Reference Center.

Mariana presented the rBLH's communication and information channels, available on the Portal, and told us about the social mobilization strategies, such as the production of the RFP and the choice of slogan for World Human Milk Donation Day since 2021 and the campaigns for Human Milk Donation. Finally, she explained how the observatory works to monitor the network: "We have data on all professionals at each Human Milk Bank and each Collection Station, we know which courses they have taken, if they need training, we know the physical structure of these banks, and we monitor the monthly production of each one. The information management efficiency of the rBLH's HMBs exceeds 90%".

In addition to Brazil, the panel also presented the work of Portugal, Cape Verde, Mozambique, Angola and the rBLH-CPLP. At the Congress, Angolan health professionals were also able to attend mini-courses given by Brazilian professionals from Fiocruz and the rBLH, which covered topics such as: "Basic notions on the work of Human Milk Banks" and "Breastfeeding and Human Milk as a Therapeutic Resource".

rBLH is recognized worldwide for its unprecedented technological development that combines low cost with high quality, and it is the largest and most complex network of human milk banks in the world. In this context, actress and rBLH ambassador since 2013, Maria Paula Fidalgo, shared her experience and feelings as a supporter of the cause. "This is a historic moment in which the Brazilian network is bringing knowledge and technology about human milk to the African continent for the first time. I am delighted to be a spokesperson for this sensational work by professionals and donors."

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