
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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Data de publicação: 19/06/2012 - 14:40
Data de publicação: 19/06/2012 - 14:38
Data de publicação: 19/06/2012 - 14:31
Data de publicação: 19/06/2012 - 14:25
Data de publicação: 19/06/2012 - 14:22
Data de publicação: 19/06/2012 - 14:20
Data de publicação: 19/06/2012 - 14:19
Data de publicação: 19/06/2012 - 14:14
Data de publicação: 18/06/2012 - 11:01
Fiocruz has established its headquarters in the campus located in Manguinhos in the North of Rio de Janeiro state, where are the historic buildings of the former Federal Serum Therapy Institute (Instituto Soroterápico Federal). - as the Moorish Pavilion, the Pavilion of the Clock and Stable. Other six units are in the cities of Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Recife, Manaus, Brasilia and Curitiba. Besides, there are new units...
Páginas Institucionais (antigas)
Data de publicação: 15/06/2012 - 15:33
These are the major partnerships established between Fiocruz and Brazilian companies in the last five years: Alvos Consultoria, Desenvolvimento e Comercialização de Produtos Biotecnológicos S.A. Bioaptus Consultoria & Serviços de Biotecnologia Ltda Boeringer Ingelheim do Brasil Química e Farmacêutica Ltda Br3 S.A Bristol Meyers Squibb Farmacêutica S.A. Crist...
Páginas Institucionais (antigas)
Data de publicação: 15/06/2012 - 15:32
In the government sector, cooperation agreements have been signed under the Productive Development Program (PDP) with the purpose of establishing a permanent structure of cooperation to perform activities related to policy of health, science and technology and industrial development. The entry of Fiocruz in the markets currently controlled by multinational companies - such as the use of monoclonal antibodies for cancer and rare diseases,...
Páginas Institucionais (antigas)
Data de publicação: 15/06/2012 - 15:32
The result of several contracts to technical and scientific cooperation between Fiocruz and the international pharmaceutical industry is to nationalization of the production of strategic inputs for the Brazilian public health, essential dynamic to strengthening of the national pharmaceutical chemistry industry, reducing dependence on foreign and security access of the population to medicines. The estimative is that partnerships provide, by 2017...
Páginas Institucionais (antigas)
Data de publicação: 15/06/2012 - 15:31
Fiocruz firms agreements with several Brazilian institutions, entity companies, aiming to expand and improve its activities of research, technological development and human resource training. Its partners include universities, research centers, government agencies and private entities. Additional information on national agreements can be obtained from the Strategic Planning Directory (Diplan).
Páginas Institucionais (antigas)
Data de publicação: 15/06/2012 - 11:18
The Coordination of Social Cooperation aims to foment, monitoring and coordination of social projects developed by Fiocruz. Leads and induces the production, dissemination and sharing of knowledge and social technologies developed through inclusive and participatory methodologies, aimed at reducing social and environmental inequalities based on values of solidarity and human rights, transparency, social dialogue and participatory democracy. Its...
Páginas Institucionais (antigas)
Data de publicação: 15/06/2012 - 11:18
Social Communication Coordination (CCS), linked to the Presidency of Fiocruz, is responsible for defining guidelines and centralizing the communication work of the institution. It operates in three axes: press and journalistic production, internal communication, institutional communication and formation of the public image of the Foundation. The communication centers, formed in different units of Fiocruz, working in an integrated way to the CCS...
Páginas Institucionais (antigas)
Data de publicação: 15/06/2012 - 11:17
The Internal Audit (Audin) is responsible for verifying the management of Fiocruz. The agency aims to inspecting, certify the legality and legitimacy of the acts of the Foundation, and examine its results in terms of economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the budgetary, financial, property, personnel management and other administrative systems operational. The Internal Audit represents Fiocruz with the Internal Control System of the Federal...
Páginas Institucionais (antigas)
Data de publicação: 15/06/2012 - 11:17
The Federal Attorney by the Fiocruz, created by Law No. 10480 of July 2, 2002, integrating the Federal Attorney General (PGF), an agency of the Federal Attorney's Office (AGU). As part of Fiocruz, Federal Attorney is an agency of direct and immediate assistance to the president and other leaders of the institution. It acts through the Bidding and Contracts Coordination and the Consulting Coordination in the prior examination of the legality...
Páginas Institucionais (antigas)
Data de publicação: 15/06/2012 - 11:09
The Vice-Presidency of Research and Biological CollectionsReference Laboratory (VPPCB) aimed on obtaining knowledge for health promotion and prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases prevalent in the country. This knowledge must be obtained through the development of principles of conduct and practices of integrity in research, with the basic values the reliability, impartiality, transparency, recognition of the credit of everyone involved...
Páginas Institucionais (antigas)
Data de publicação: 15/06/2012 - 11:08
The Vice Presidence of Production and Innovation in Health (VPPIS) aimed to promote and integrate the production activities and innovation at Fiocruz and assist the public policies for the Health Economic-Industrial Complex (HEIC). Its performance encompasses both the formulation of policy and foundations for the establishment of bases for an integrated operation focusing on national technological and productive training in health. The...
Páginas Institucionais (antigas)
Data de publicação: 15/06/2012 - 11:08
The Vice-Presidency of Environment, Healthcare and Health Promotion (VPAAPS) coordinates, formulates, consolidates and promotes the synergy of actions, actors and units of Fiocruz in the areas of environment, healthcare and health promotion with an integrated manner in order to respond to the needs of the Brazilian National Health System (SUS) considering social determinants of health. This department seeks to foment the evaluation, deployment...
Páginas Institucionais (antigas)
Data de publicação: 15/06/2012 - 11:07
The Vice-Presidency of Education, Information and Communication (VPEIC) has the mission of develop actions of coordination and integration of projects, modernizing practices, promote and support innovative initiatives in the education and scientific health information area. The purpose is to foment, integrate and enhance the activities of Fiocruz relating to education, information and communication. The acting in the education segment covers...
Páginas Institucionais (antigas)
Data de publicação: 15/06/2012 - 11:04
The Vice-presidency of Administration and Institutional Development (VPGDI) is responsible for coordinating the democratic system of governance of the organization to strategic management, through formulation of policies, programs and projects, and establishing viable mechanisms that promote institutional strengthening. Among its activities, the departament is dedicated to create, develop and improve the innovative instruments of governance and...
Páginas Institucionais (antigas)
Data de publicação: 31/05/2012 - 11:11
The Fiocruz libraries are coordinated in a network of cooperation, which aims to qualify the customer service and enhance their actions for the dissemination of scientific and technological information in health. The library collections are available in various units of the Foundation. Part of the group of physical libraries: Biomedical Sciences Library Public Health Library Women and Children Health Library Joaquim Venâncio...
Páginas Institucionais (antigas)
Data de publicação: 31/05/2012 - 11:09
The main objective of the project is to be a collaborative site between public health academic institutions,offering a holistic view of the public health dissertations and theses. Therefore the knowledge on public health contained in scientific articles and thesis are gathering into a main search tool. The visitant can find brazilian scientific production, linking to full texts or identifying the library where the original can be found. Thesis...
Páginas Institucionais (antigas)
Data de publicação: 31/05/2012 - 11:08
Attuned to national and international debates on open access to knowledge, Fiocruz officially launched, in April 2011, its institutional repository, named Arca and managed by the Institute of Scientific and Technological Information and Communication in Health (ICICT). The Arca aims to widely host and provide the Fiocruz intellectual production, in consonance with the movement for open access to scientific information. With the repository...
Páginas Institucionais (antigas)


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