
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

Início do conteúdo

Environment, Healthcare and Health Promotion

The Vice-Presidency of Environment, Healthcare and Health Promotion (VPAAPS) coordinates, formulates, consolidates and promotes the synergy of actions, actors and units of Fiocruz in the areas of environment, healthcare and health promotion with an integrated manner in order to respond to the needs of the Brazilian National Health System (SUS) considering social determinants of health.

This department seeks to foment the evaluation, deployment and management policies that promote sustainable development, expanding access to health and quality of care from social needs, especially in vulnerable areas and populations, aiming at environmental justice and the improvement of the quality of life for population. It works with the national systems of science, technology and innovation, health, environment and economic and social development, in cooperation with institutional partners and social movements.

VPAAPS integrates the activities of Fiocruz as Collaborating Center on Public and Environmental Health for PAHO / WHO.

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