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Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

Início do conteúdo

Rapid test for diagnosis of Zika virus

Innovation Portfolio
Rapid test for diagnosis of Zika virus
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Currently, the most reliable and widely used test for Zika virus detection is quantitative reverse transcription PCR (RT-qPCR). However, the technique is complex and has limitations, such as the need for qualified staff, specialized equipment, in addition to the cost of reagents and long time to obtain the results.


The technology proposed by the inventors uses reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP), producing a highly sensitive, versatile and robust test. LAMP chemistry is more resistant to inhibitors than RT-qPCR, which allows simplification and removal of the RNA extraction procedure from the sample. Due to its efficiency and low cost, this technique has been applied for the detection of a wide range of pathogens. The RT-LAMP assay is highly specific and up to 100 times more sensitive than RT-qPCR, and provides 100% sensitivity, 93.75% specificity and an overall accuracy of 95%.


Lower cost
Faster results
More sensitive and specific

Development stage

What we are searching for

Technology licensing for manufacturing and commercialization.


Lindomar José Pena
Severino Jefferson Ribeiro da Silva

Intellectual Property

Invention Patent
Patent application filed in Brazil.




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Campus Fiocruz Maré - Av. Brasil, 4036 - Maré, Rio de Janeiro - RJ

CEP: 21040-361

  +55 (21) 3282-9080 




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