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Fiocruz International News - November 2017

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Fiocruz News

Bimonthly newsletter of the Fiocruz Global Health Center (Cris/Fiocruz)

November / 2017
Representatives of 19 countries gather in Rio to evaluate yellow fever resurgence in Latin America and Africa. Most of the causes for recent outbreaks are the same in the two continents: among others, the disordered progress of human activities on the environment, changes in land use, and the difficulty of vector control.
In interview about the 2030 Agenda, Fiocruz coordinator Carlos Gadelha says that "without a public, universal, free and quality health system, Brazil will not reach the SDGs – nor in 2030 nor never. If, instead of adopting a model of collective health for all, we adopt a policy that fragments the health sector in a public system for the poor and a private one for the rich, we will be against the 2030 Agenda."
A new software made by Fiocruz enables the planning of actions in the medium and long term to reduce the impacts of climate changes such as reductions in precipitations volume, prolonged droughts and temperature increases in the Amazon.
The symposium included a lecture by Brazil's former foreign minister Celso Amorim, who said that the global health area, in addition to its medical and health bias, always has a "political component, because relations are never innocent".
In op-ed, Fiocruz Global Health Center coordinator Paulo Buss says that the main challenge to global health is "to recover the agenda of multilateral cooperation, which is today in a limbo among hiperglobalization, ultraneoliberalism and the emerging unilateralism."
The supplement "Tobacco control in Brazil: the achievements and challenges of a successful policy" features 18 articles on the advances in tobacco control policies in Brazil following the ratification of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in 2005.
New research indicates that monoclonal antibodies, widely used in the treatment of diseases like breast, gastric, and bone cancers, also have high potential for application against the zika virus.
A question still open about yellow fever vaccine is the duration of its protection to the immunized person. The answer will come in the 2020s, due to an ongoing Fiocruz study.

Links relacionados:

Fiocruz International News
Bimonthly report of the Fiocruz Global Health Center (Cris/Fiocruz), edited by the Fiocruz Coordination of Social Communication

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