Data de publicação: 14/07/2021 - 09:55
A comparison of elderly vaccination data with hospitalization and death records due to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) or COVID-19 (confirmed or suspected) has shown the effectiveness of the two main immunizers used in Brazil in reducing severe cases and hospitalizations. This is indicated by a Technical Note from Fiocruz's COVID-19 Observatory, published this Friday (7/9). Entitled Analysis of the COVID-19 vaccination effectiveness...
Data de publicação: 12/07/2021 - 12:37
A diagnostic kit to detect the new coronavirus that can be employed directly by basic health units, providing a result in up to 45 minutes, at a low cost and with high accuracy. The innovation, which may help fight COVID-19, has had its patent deposited after a year of work by researchers of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (IOC/Fiocruz), the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), and the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina (IFSC), in a...
Data de publicação: 28/06/2021 - 10:34
Cooperation between the so-called Global South countries took a hard hit during the COVID-19 pandemic, suffering backtracks due to political and ideological issues in the past few years, but it has the potential to help these nations overcome the public health crisis with a sustainable recovery. These were some of the reflections raised during the South-South Cooperation seminar, diplomacy in health and pandemic that the Fiocruz Global Heath...
Data de publicação: 25/06/2021 - 10:54
A study developed in partnership between Fiocruz Pernambuco, the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE) and the Federal Institute of Paraíba (IFPB) carried out an investigation on the evolution over time of the daily numbers of deaths by COVID-19, taking into account the scenario in 43 countries. Using physical approaches and information theory techniques, the researchers achieved results that give scientific evidence as for the...
Data de publicação: 23/06/2021 - 09:26
Last Sunday (June 20), the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro vaccinated the entire eligible population of the island of Paquetá (those above 18 years of age), including pregnant women, against Covid-19. The PaqueTá Vacinada project (Paquetá Is Vaccinated, in loose translation) by the Municipal Health Secretary (SMS) aims to evaluate the effects of large-scale vaccination on the island’s population and was approved by the...
Data de publicação: 18/06/2021 - 14:57
Led by Australia, a new trial will investigate whether it is possible to predict who remains susceptible to the variants of Sars-CoV-2, even when they received a vaccine against COVID-19 or have already been sick due to the virus. The research will be exploring the immune response of vaccines specific against the disease in Brazilian health workers, in order to identify biomarkers that can indicate whether someone will be protected (or remains...
Data de publicação: 18/06/2021 - 09:55
The G7 summit wraps up an important cycle of top-level meetings to evaluate and propose directions for the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Preceded by the G20 Summit on Global Health and the World Health Assembly, both held during the second half of May, the G7 Summit took place last week in Carbsi Bay, Cornwell, United Kingdom, the first to be held after the Trump era.
One of the priority topics was the pandemic. The world had...
Data de publicação: 10/06/2021 - 09:41
"Data and information will be fundamental to understand the dynamics of health inequality reduction processes and establish better public policies and institutional arrangements to respond to and prevent upcoming crises, while contributing to the Unified Health System [SUS, acronym in Portuguese for the Brazilian public health system] improvement", said Nísia Trindade this Monday (September 7), during the event organized by...
Data de publicação: 09/06/2021 - 09:40
The Bulletin of the Fiocruz COVID-19 Observatory, released last Friday (June 4th), concluded there is a rising trend for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 12 states, in addition to the Federal District, in epidemiological week 21, between May 23rd and 29th. All regions have worrying figures, mainly those in the South and in the Central-West Brazilian regions. About 96% of SARS cases are caused by the new coronavirus.
The relation...
Data de publicação: 02/06/2021 - 17:37
International education webinar brings a circle of conversations with Brazilian researchers and their experiences in Germany and a German researcher experiencing our research institutions.
In a new edition of the PrInt Fiocruz-Capes International Seminar, the Brazil-Germany International Education Initiative organizes an online event to be held on June 8, 2021 at 10:00 am.
Seeking to stimulate the interest in scientific and cultural...
Data de publicação: 02/06/2021 - 17:18
Fiocruz and its Immunobiological Technology Institute (Biomanguinhos/Fiocruz) signed, on Tuesday (6/1), the contract for Technology Transfer of the COVID-19 vaccine (recombinant) with AstraZeneca for the 100% national production of the immunizing agent. The contract formalizes the transfer of knowledge that has already been passed on by the technological partner to speed up the production of the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) at the...
Data de publicação: 28/05/2021 - 11:43
In a paper published (5/25) on Nature Medicine, researchers of the Fiocruz Genomic Network and of partner institutions point to the cause of the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in the state of Amazonas and of the successive replacements of lineages of Sars-CoV-2. The study shows that these factors have been boosted by a combination of reduced social distancing measures and the appearance of a new, more transmissible form of the virus,...
Data de publicação: 25/05/2021 - 10:24
The rapid spread of some Sars-CoV-2 variants has been associated with reports of COVID-19 reinfection, based, for example, on the P.1 high prevalence in the first two months after its emergence. Given this scenario, researchers from Fiocruz Pernambuco and Foundation's Genomics Network members sought to verify what the real mechanisms behind reinfection might be. The initial hypothesis was that a greater competence of the new variants would...
Data de publicação: 24/05/2021 - 16:54
If the COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating effect worldwide, recovery provides an opportunity for long-overdue changes to finally happen. It is not enough to think of returning to normality as it was before, because this would not be good for anyone, it is necessary to correct the course and direct science, technology, and innovation towards meeting social, environmental, and health objectives. It was on this line of reflection that the...
Data de publicação: 19/05/2021 - 12:35
A study coordinated by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) is helping to understand why some critically ill patients submitted to mechanical ventilation manage to leave the ICU, while others do not survive. The research indicates that the presence of the human endogenous retrovirus K (HERV-K) is associated not only with worsening disease but also with early mortality.
From March to December 2020, the study Human endogenous retrovirus K...
Data de publicação: 18/05/2021 - 15:23
A mixture of expectation and hope took over Botucatu, in the interior of São Paulo, this weekend. The city was chosen to be the stage for an unprecedented research that kicked off last Sunday (5/16), with the mass vaccination against COVID-19 of the entire adult population. More than 63,000 Botucatu residents were immunized in just one day, exceeding the expectation that 60,000 people would receive the first dose this Sunday. Minister of...
Data de publicação: 13/05/2021 - 13:09
There is little data available on the mental health of young indigenous people. In this context, between December 2020 and January 2021, scientists from the Research Center Leônidas & Maria Deane (Fiocruz Amazonia) carried out a diagnostic study that involved eight regions of the Amazon and that resulted in a better understanding of the effects of COVID-19 in this population group. “The study focused on the...
Data de publicação: 13/05/2021 - 11:57
Fiocruz is taking part of the survey COVID-19: our care, our actions, their effects, with the goal of getting to know better the treatments and preventive actions that people from all over the world have been experiencing in the context of the disease. Spearheaded by the Antenna Foundation, a Swiss NGO that offers technological and medical solutions to populations in need, the survey boasts the collaboration of universities and research...
Data de publicação: 11/05/2021 - 08:58
Although studies suggest that children and adolescents attending summer camps and social events may carry COVID-19 into their homes, work by researchers at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), the University of California (UCLA), and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) indicates that they more often become infected by adults than act as transmitters.
A preview of the article SARS-CoV-2 Infection Dynamics in Children...
Data de publicação: 06/05/2021 - 08:01
The pandemic brought challenges, but also opportunities, according to lecturers on the 6th annual Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology, and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), also known as the STI Forum. In Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic, the forum’s first session, on Tuesday May 4th, specialists on the fields of sciences, technology and economics analyzed the scenario and looked for ways to recover and...
Data de publicação: 06/05/2021 - 07:59
The pandemic brought challenges, but also opportunities, according to lecturers on the 6th annual Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology, and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), also known as the STI Forum. In Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic, the forum’s first session, on Tuesday May 4th, specialists on the fields of sciences, technology and economics analyzed the scenario and looked for ways to recover and...
Data de publicação: 29/04/2021 - 18:08
Two drugs used against hepatitis C have been proven effective in inhibiting Sars-CoV-2 replication in cells in laboratory studies. The trial is now entering its phase 2: tests in patients. The results of the first phase of the trial, led by researchers of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), were published on April 21 in a paper for the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, by Oxford Academic. The results of phase 2 will likely be known in...
Data de publicação: 28/04/2021 - 12:55
Published on April 24, the Bulletin of the Fiocruz COVID-19 Observatory, referring to Epidemiological Weeks (EW) 14 and 15, between 4 and 17 April, presents a general overview of the Covid-19 situation in the country and its implications. The new edition shows that the pandemic is hitting younger people. The number of cases and deaths by Covid-19 per age group shows that the differential increase per age group is steady. According to the...
Data de publicação: 20/04/2021 - 16:01
A study by researchers of the Oxford University shows that the risk of cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) in people with COVID-19 is considerably higher than in those who have been vaccinated with mRNA (messenger RNA) vaccines, such as those by Pfizer and Moderna. In addition to mRNA vaccines, the analysis also included the Oxford/AstraZeneca immunizer, produced in Brazil by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz).
The survey Cerebral venous...
Data de publicação: 19/04/2021 - 15:55
A “pandemic of inequalities”, which denies people access to water to wash their hands, is one of the factors that have worsened the dissemination of Sars-CoV-2 in Latin America and in the Caribbean. This is the assessment of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and former president of Chile, Michelle Bachelet. A physician herself, last Thursday (April 15) she opened the Advanced Seminaries on Global Health and Health Diplomacy...