
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

Início do conteúdo

New drug for asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other respiratory diseases treatment

Innovation Portfolio
New drug for asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other respiratory diseases treatment
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Chronic respiratory diseases affect millions of people and can be fatal. Currently, the medications used in the treatment of these diseases are steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (glucocorticoids) associated with bronchodilators, which have various limitations and adverse effects. The situation worsens when the patient becomes resistant to glucocorticoids, which occurs in around 5% of asthmatics and nearly all individuals with chronic respiratory diseases. In these cases, there are practically no therapeutic options, increasing the vulnerability of patients and requiring an urgent search for new anti-inflammatory treatments.


The technology results from the development of mexiletine analogs with optimized anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator action, as well as a highly attenuated local anesthetic effect. The pharmacological characteristics of these molecules suggest their use for optimizing the treatment of difficult-to-treat asthma, chronic respiratory diseases, and other corticosteroid-resistant inflammatory pulmonary conditions. Furthermore, the solution can be administered both by inhalation and orally.


Molecules with dual action
Alternative to the use of glucocorticoid
Fewer side effects

Development stage

What we are searching for

Partners for co-development of future project stages, with the potential for licensing.


Marco Aurélio Martins
Jorge Carlos Santos da Costa
Emerson Teixeira
Marcus Vinicius Nora de Souza
Magda Fraguas Serra

Intellectual Property

Invention Patent
Patent granted in Brazil, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Canada, India, China, Japan, and Mexico.




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Campus Fiocruz Maré - Av. Brasil, 4036 - Maré, Rio de Janeiro - RJ

CEP: 21040-361 
  +55 (21) 3282-9080 




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