
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

Início do conteúdo

Technology Transfer Office

The Technological Management Coordination (Gestec), an sector linked to the Vice-Presidency of Production and Innovation in Health (VPPIS), is Fiocruz's Technology Transfer Office, responsible for coordinating Fiocruz’s Technological Management and Innovation System, the “Gestec-NIT System”, which is comprised of Gestec/VPPIS and the Technological Innovation Centers at Fiocruz's units.

Gestec/VPPIS is mainly responsible for the guidance, protection, negotiation and transfer of the Institution's intellectual assets. It is also responsible for managing and maintaining the Intellectual Property Policy and the different partnership and technology transfer agreements for the productive sector. It strategically subsidizes decision-making and the search for partnerships by means of scientific, technological, market, industries or companies prospecting.

The Gestec-NIT System is a model of technological management based on the network collaboration for innovation, where the efforts are focused on transforming the knowledge generated at Fiocruz into products, services, processes and methods to tend the needs the needs of society and the national health system.

We orient

We act throughout the technological research and development process orienting about different subjects, such as: safe data sharing; access to the genetic patrimony and knowledge associated to it; patent system usage and other forms of protection of research results; analysis of innovation laws; prospecting partnerships; technology transfer; and execution of agreements and contracts alike.




We protect

We protect the results of research developed at Fiocruz and/or in partnership with third parties, such as invention or utility model patents, industrial design registrations, computer programs and trademarks. We act in the stages involving the deposit and registration of intellectual property rights in Brazil and abroad; monitoring the processing of requests for protection, including compliance with technical and formal requirements issued by official national or international agencies; in addition to the financial management of investments with intellectual property. Gestec presides over the Fiocruz´s Patents Commission, responsible for deciding on matters related to the strategic management of protection for invention patents, utility models, industrial design registrations and industrial secrets, in Brazil and abroad.





We negotiate and transfer

We negotiate with public and private partners, national and international, technology contracts, such as licenses, technology supply, assignment of intellectual property rights, partnership and joint development agreements and other types of contracts.






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Campus Fiocruz Maré - Av. Brasil, 4036 - Maré, Rio de Janeiro - RJ

CEP: 21040-361 
  +55 (21) 3282-9080 




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