
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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Fiocruz launches English version of its Innovation Portfolio


Erika Drumond (Fiocruz Portal)


Intending to establish international partnerships for the development and production of technologies, Fiocruz launched the English version of its Innovation Portfolio on Wednesday (2/28). The Innovation Portfolio is Fiocruz's fundamental tool for seeking out national and international partners interested in developing and licensing products that benefit society.

"We can say that the Portfolio is an important tool for strengthening the connection between science, technology, education, the environment and society. It paves the way for partnerships that promote technology transfers to the production sector, boosting the country's economic and social development," says Fiocruz's technology management coordinator, Carla Maia.

Implemented through funding from the Inova Gestão call for proposals, Fiocruz's Portfolio aims to transform knowledge into products that meet the needs of the population and the Unified Health System (SUS). The work is the result of a partnership between Gestec/VPPIS, the Center for Information Technology and Communication in Health (CTIC/Icict/Fiocruz) and the Technology Innovation Centers (NITs) of the Carlos Chagas Institute (ICC/Fiocruz Paraná), Fernandes Figueira Institute (IFF/Fiocruz) and René Rachou Institute (IRR/Fiocruz Minas Gerais).

The editor of the Fiocruz Portal, Marcelo Garcia, highlights the collaborative nature of the Innovation Portfolio, reinforced by its collective development and by the decentralized feeding flow, which involves NITs, Gestec and Icict/Fiocruz. "The partnership with Icict made it possible to develop the portfolio's own identity, standardize the language used and define the product's governance," he said. "This project is a commitment to the Fiocruz of the future, contributing to a collaborative and innovative environment that leads to the development of new products and services for public health," he adds.

How to integrate the Innovation Portfolio?

Making technologies available in the Innovation Portfolio is the responsibility of the Technology Innovation Center (NIT) of the Unit to which its researchers are linked. Interested researchers should contact their unit's NIT for guidance on information formats and standardization, as well as definitions of desired partnerships. The contact and negotiation of technologies with interested institutions and companies is intermediated and monitored step by step by the Gestec team. This can also help the NITs of the Units prospecting for possible partners.

The active participation of researchers and units is essential to enrich the Portfolio further and strengthen the possibilities for innovative collaborations.


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