
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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About us

About us

The Pasteur Fiocruz Center on Immunology and Immunotherapy brings together scientists from the Institut Pasteur and Fiocruz to develop integrative approaches to improve the treatment of infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, and non-communicable diseases, such as cancer, using immunotherapies, considered an important public health strategy.

Immunotherapy is a treatment that dynamically modulates the immune system, promoting the body's response to fight a disease. This type of approach has revolutionized cancer treatment and has also shown promising results for infectious diseases and non-infectious, non-communicable diseases.

The cooperation between the institutions has thus the mission of accelerating research in the field of immunology and immunotherapy at the regional, national and international levels with a particular focus on innovation, including translational research carried out in Brazil and France, as well as in other countries where members of the Pasteur Network are present.

Inaugurated on May 17, 2024, the Center is located on the Fiocruz Ceará campus in Eusébio, in the metropolitan region of Fortaleza, and has a laboratory structure and administrative space dedicated to the coordination, the teams and their activities, which occupies most of the building where the COVID-19 Diagnostic Support Unit (Unadig) used to fully operate from April 2020 until mid-2023.

The activities of the Pasteur Fiocruz Center on Immunology and Immunotherapy complement and will transcend the existing lines of research at Fiocruz Ceará. Moreover, the close partnership with the research, development and innovation laboratories of the Immunobiological Technology Institute (Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz) favors a unique scientific environment, creating a cooperation model capable of covering all stages of development of new immunotherapies.


The Pasteur Fiocruz Center on Immunology and Immunotherapy is directly linked to the General Directorate of the Institut Pasteur and the Fiocruz Presidency. It counts with a Coordinating Committee and a Scientific Advisory Board (SAB).


The Coordination Committee is made up of three representatives from the Institut Pasteur, three representatives from Fiocruz; one representative from the French Embassy in Brazil; and one from the Government of the State of Ceará. The SAB has six members, independent experts who carry out their scientific activities in both Europe and South America, appointed jointly.


Background: Long-lasting and strategic cooperation

Fiocruz and the Institut Pasteur have a long-standing and strategic relationship of cooperation, dating back to the early years of the French institute, which was founded in 1888: Oswaldo Cruz was the first Brazilian to study there. The relationship has gained momentum over the last few decades.


One of the highlights of this partnership is Fiocruz's participation in the Pasteur Network since 2009. The Network forms a vast scientific community with more than 30 members across 25 countries, together contributing to global health. It further organizes annual meetings, workshops, annual joint calls for projects, symposia and courses, contributing to the development of human resources.


About Fiocruz

The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) is Latin America's largest biomedical research institution, producing vaccines and medicines to supply the Unified Health System (SUS, the Brazilian national public health system). Linked to the Ministry of Health, it was created in 1900 to initially manufacture serums and vaccines against bubonic plague. Since then, Fiocruz has had an intense trajectory, intertwined with the development of public health in Brazil.


Present in ten Brazilian states, as well as in the Federal District, the Foundation has 16 technical-scientific units focused on teaching, research, innovation, assistance, technological development and extension in the field of health. One of them is Fiocruz Ceará, an office created in 2008 and the technological anchor of the Health Industrial and Technological Hub - PITS, located in the municipality of Eusébio, 30 minutes from Fortaleza.


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About the Institut Pasteur

The Institut Pasteur, a non-profit foundation with recognized charitable status set up by Louis Pasteur in 1887, is today an internationally renowned center for biomedical research. In the pursuit of its mission to tackle diseases in France and throughout the world, the Institut Pasteur operates in four main areas: research, public health, training, and development of research applications. The Institut Pasteur is a globally recognized leader in infectious diseases, microbiology, and immunology, with research focusing on the biology of living systems. Among its areas of investigation are emerging infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, certain cancers, neurodegenerative diseases, and brain connectivity disorders. The Institut Pasteur's outstanding research is facilitated by the development of a technological environment of the highest standard, with core facilities for nanoimaging, computational biology and artificial intelligence. Since its inception, 10 Institut Pasteur scientists have been awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine, including two in 2008 for the 1983 discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS.


The Institut Pasteur is part of the Pasteur Network a worldwide network of more than 30 members on five continents, united by Pasteurian values, that contribute to global health. Since July 1, 2021, the Institut Pasteur is a research partner organization of Université Paris Cité.


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Caroline Pereira Bittencourt Passaes


Coordinator of the Center, biologist, Master and Doctor of Parasitic Biology (Virology/Immunology) from the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (IOC/Fiocruz), permanent researcher at the Institut Pasteur, international technical specialist/regional scientific advisor at Expertise France.


Currículo Lattes 



João Hermínio Martins da Silva Sena


Coordinator of the Center, biologist, Master of Biophysics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Doctor of Cellular and Molecular Biology from the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (IOC/Fiocruz), public health researcher at Fiocruz/Cear


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Marcela Gambim Fonseca


Technical manager, biologist, Doctor of Immunology from the University of São Paulo (USP), Postdoc in Public Health, Public Health Technologist at Fiocruz/Ceará.


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Ana Carolina Pinto


Researcher, pharmacist, Master of Microbiology and Doctor of Medical Sciences from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC).



Currículo Lattes 



Clarissa Perdigão


Researcher, pharmacist, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC).



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Júlio Ximenes


Researcher, biologist, Doctor of Renorbio Biotechnology from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC).


Currículo Lattes



Carlos Augusto Fonseca


Administrative Assistant, Administrator, Bachelor of Administration from the University of Fortaleza.


Currículo Lattes





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