The Institute of Science and Technology in Biomodels (ICTB/Fiocruz) is the technical-scientific unit of Fiocruz responsible for studies, development and production in the field of laboratory animal science (LAS). For ethical reasons, all activities are carried out according to the 3Rs principle (Replacement, Reduction and Refinement), and the use of alternative methods to replace or reduce the number of animals in research is an important priority of ICTB.
The unit, which is the largest vivarium in Brazil, occupies an area of almost 26,000m² on the Fiocruz campus in Manguinhos, housing mice, guinea pigs, rabbits and non-human primates. These biomodels are used in the Foundation's research and production units, in the five regions of Brazil and in similar institutions in the country.
ICTB has also expanded its animal health activities, taking into account the interdependence of animal, human and environmental health (One Health), by developing studies and activities with domestic and wild animals.
ICTB operates the only stricto sensu graduate program in LAS in Brazil - the Professional Master's Degree in Laboratory Animal Science - , a lato sensu graduate program in Alternative Methods and free courses in LAS and One Health.
The Institute has a team of professionals dedicated to different activities, such as teaching, research, biotechnology, innovation, quality control and biomodel creation, which represents its strategic role for biomedical science and health technological development.
Avenida Brasil 4.365, Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, CEP 21.040-900, ICTB building (next to Dirac)
(21) 3194-8484
Working Hours
Monday to Friday from 8h to 17h except holidays