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Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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Yellow fever: Fiocruz and Anlis sign agreement to produce vaccine in Argentina


Pamela Lang (Fiocruz News Agency)


This Friday (11/17), Fiocruz, through the Immunobiological Technology Institute (Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz) signed a Term of Commitment with the National Administration of Laboratories and Institutes of Health Dr. Carlos Malbrán (Anlis), aimed at enabling the Argentine institution to produce and supply the yellow fever vaccine in its country. The signing took place after the meeting of Mercosur health ministers at Itamaraty, in Brasília, and was attended by the ministers of health of Brazil, Nísia Trindade Lima, and Argentina, Carla Vizzotti; the director of Bio-Manguinhos, Maurício Zuma; and the director of Anlis, Pascual Fidelio.

The signing was attended by the ministers of health of Brazil, Nísia Trindade Lima, and Argentina, Carla Vizzotti; the director of Bio-Manguinhos, Maurício Zuma; and the director of Anlis, Pascual Fidelio (photo: Brazilian Ministry of Health)

Currently, Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz is one of the four global producers of the yellow fever vaccine pre-qualified by the World Health Organization (WHO). Thus, in addition to meeting the national demand of the Unified Health System (SUS), Fiocruz plays a key role in supplying these vaccines to countries in Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa, through United Nations agencies.

"Today is a historic day. This is the first time we have signed an agreement to transfer technology from Fiocruz to a partner. It is Fiocruz transferring knowledge and technology to produce the yellow fever vaccine to a sister country and a century-old institution like ours. This is about an absolutely structuring South-South cooperation. And I believe we can go even further in the future. More than just transferring technologies, Fiocruz seeks to foster the development of a regional vaccine production network in Latin America in partnership with institutes in the region", says Fiocruz president, Mario Moreira.

Since 2002, Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz has exported more than 7 million doses of yellow fever vaccine to Argentina through United Nations agencies. Yellow fever is an endemic disease in Argentina, and vaccination in risk areas was introduced into the country's routine calendar in 2002, the year Bio-Manguinhos began supplying the country.

Since 2002, Bio-Manguinhos has exported more than 7 million doses of yellow fever vaccine to Argentina through United Nations agencies (photo: Bernardo Portella/Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz)

"We have been happy to collaborate with the Argentine immunization program over the years by supplying the yellow fever vaccine. Today, we are proud to be able to do even more, this time contributing so that this neighboring country can begin its journey towards autonomy in relation to this immunizer", celebrates the director of Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz, Mauricio Zuma.

With the transfer of technology completed, Anlis will be able to produce the immunizer for the Argentine territory. After the Term of Commitment, a technology transfer contract will still need to be signed between the institutions to detail all stages of the process, as well as the timetable to be met.

For the director of Anlis Malbrán, Pascual Fidelio, the Term of Commitment meets Mercosur strategies: "This is in line with the Mercosur agreements and with what we are working on to promote the production of strategic inputs in the Region with Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, and also reaffirms the commitment made together with the Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, and the specific health committees", he highlighted.

Created in 1893 under the name Oficina Sanitaria Argentina, Anlis Malbrán is a reference institution in research, production, diagnosis, and surveillance linked to the Ministry of Health and is responsible for coordinating the entire network of public laboratories in Argentina and for implementing the country's public health policies.

"For our country, it is a very important step forward to be able to receive the transfer of technology to produce the yellow fever vaccine, which will take place at the National Institute of Human Viral Diseases "Dr. Julio Maiztegui", one of the fourteen centers and institutes part of Anlis Malbrán. It is an initial step towards other transfers that could take place in the future, both in the field of vaccines and diagnostic kits. In the various contacts we have had with Fiocruz, this is the first time we have made progress with the conditions for a transfer of this size", Fidelio celebrates.

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