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Paper brings recommendations to regulate the Nagoya Protocol in Brazil




The Vice-Presidency of Research and Biological Collections (VPPCB) makes available a paper with recommendations to regulate the Nagoya Protocol in Brazil.

On June 2, 2021, Brazil became a party to the Nagoya Protocol, after depositing its letter of ratification at the United Nations (UN) Secretariat on March 4, 2021.By joining the Nagoya Protocol, Brazil took a very relevant step to be inserted in the global context of access to genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge and benefit sharing, however it is necessary to adjust its domestic legislation (Law 13,123 / 2015 regulated by Decree 8772 / 2016) so that there is harmonization of obligations.

The Protocol has effects both as a provider of relevant assets for the most diverse research and industries, as well as a user country, when making use of genetic resources of foreign origin. The paper "Comments and recommendations to regulate the Nagoya Protocol in Brazil", authored by VPPCB advisor Manuela da Silva, shows that Brazil still needs to elaborate its legislation to meet its status as a user country and brings the obligations under the Nagoya Protocol and its situation vis-à-vis Brazilian legislation, as well as comments on the different obligations of the Nagoya Protocol in relation to the existing legislation and recommendations and suggestions to improve the functioning of the CGen and its instruments.

The paper published in early June was also authored by Braulio Dias, former Executive Secretary of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity and current professor at UnB, and Luiz Ricardo Marinello, lawyer, assistant coordinator of the ABPI Committee for Technology Transfer and Franchises .

Access the paper (in Portuguese).

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