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Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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PAHO and ObservaPICS define a cooperation agenda on Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicines


Verônica Almeida (ObservaPICS)


A strategic agenda for cooperation on research on Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicines (MTCI) is being defined between the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) and Fiocruz's National Observatory of Traditional, Integrative and Complementary Knowledge and Practices in Health (ObservaPICS). The PAHO/WHO consultant in Brazil for Health Systems, Health Services, and TCIM, Rafael Dall'Alba, visited the ObservaPICS on June 29 and 30, in Recife, to address the matter.

Consultant for PAHO/WHO in Brazil in Systems, Health Services and MTCI, Rafael Dall'Alba visited ObservaPICS

“Among the projects to be carried out in partnership are the mapping of Integrative and Complementary Practices in Health (PICS) in Brazil and the launch, soon, of the Report of the Map of MTCIs in the Region of the Americas”, said the Fiocruz Pernambuco researcher Islândia Carvalho, coordinator of ObservaPICS, after a meeting with Rafael Dall'Alba (photo).

Both actions, according to her, contribute to the WHO Strategy in the field of TCIM. The mapping of traditional and integrative medicines in the Americas and their integration into health systems is carried out in partnership with ObservaPICS and other institutions.

The mapping of traditional and integrative medicine in the Americas and their integration into health systems is carried out in partnership with ObservaPICS and other institutions (in Portuguese).


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