
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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Fiocruz's Fundraising Office launches platform


Aryanne Valenzuela (Fundraising Office/Fiocruz)


Fiocruz's Fundraising Office (EC/Fiocruz) launched a partnership platform. The portal is an innovative, transparent and quick initiative for various interested audiences to access projects registered for financing.

The structure of the platform was created for potential partners: companies, foundations, international agencies, civil society organizations, individuals or judicial bodies. In addition to the current complete list of projects, the portal features a section for new initiatives where Fiocruz coordinators can find step-by-step instructions for registering their projects with the expected dates for composing future portfolios.

“The platform provides us a means to systematize and present, in a simple and objective way, the projects for which we are looking for partners. There, it is possible to learn about how we structure our programs, our portfolio, forms of contact, partnerships already established and other information that helps in the communication mainly with the external audience”, explains the general manager of the Fiocruz's Office, Luis Fernando Donadio.

Since the beginning of its operations in 2008, EC/Fiocruz has mobilized hundreds of partnerships, enabling more than 150 Foundation projects. “On this path, we achieved results without the support of a broader external communication. With the new platform, we believe that potential partners will have the opportunity to learn about our initiatives and possibilities of partnership. The portal will greatly help us to promote this dissemination”, says Donadio.

In addition to information about the projects, the platform will publish its annual reports with the results and impacts of these partnerships, reinforcing Fiocruz's commitment to transparency. Soon, the lender will also be able to monitor the day-to-day activities of funded projects.

Recently, the Technological Management Coordination of Fiocruz (Gestec), of the Vice-Presidency of Production and Innovation in Health (VPPIS/Fiocruz), launched a platform for partnerships, the Fiocruz Innovation Portfolio. The main objective was to give visibility to the technologies developed at the institution that seek partners for licensing, joint development and financing. This paves the way for the launch of products and services in the health sector, which could positively impact the well-being of the entire community.

Since its launch, the portfolio has already attracted interest from companies that wish to establish partnerships and contribute to the development of new technologies related to public health, such as medicines, vaccines and diagnostic tests, among others. Currently, these partnerships are in the negotiation stage.

The Fundraising Office has been supporting the promotion of innovation at Fiocruz and the close collaboration with Gestec has already made it possible to identify projects and opportunities aligned with Fiocruz's fundraising programs. For Carla Maia, coordinator of Gestec, this approach was key to strengthening the institution's ability to transform knowledge generated internally into new products and services for the benefit of society.

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