
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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Fiocruz researcher receives homage from Pasteur Institute on Women's Day


Max Gomes (Oswaldo Cruz Institute)


In reference to International Women’s Day, the Pasteur Institute, in Paris, paid homage to five female scientists that are part of the institution's international scientific cooperation network. Among them, representing the Americas, was researcher Teca Galvão, from the Laboratory for Functional Genomics and Bioinformatics of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (IOC/Fiocruz).

The homage highlighted the specialist’s education, which includes several foreign institutions, and her commitment to research how the resistance to antibiotics is determined by genetic diversity in bacteria isolated from patients with tuberculosis and hospital infections. 

“In 2019, [Teca] was awarded a Calmette & Yersin program fellowship to start the Fiocruz-Pasteur cooperation on polymyxin resistance. In 2020, she applied to a call for projects from the Pasteur Institute (Paris) and obtained funding for an Inter-Pasteurian Concerted Action (ACIP). She coordinates this project, which also involves Pasteur Institute (Paris) and Montevideo Pasteur Institute. During the pandemic, Teca became involved in an IOC project that supported teachers and educators in the transition to online activities. In addition, she is a member of IOC´s Committee for promoting healthy work relations in the Institute”, the article noted. 

Besides Teca Galvão, Rebecca Matsas, from the Hellenic Pasteur Institute (Greece); Chiara Zurzolo, from the Paris Pasteur Institute; Sara Eyangoh, from the Pasteur Center in Cameroon; and Tineke Cantaert, from the Cambodia Pasteur Institute were also honored. 

Read the entire article here

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