
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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Fiocruz launches platform for innovative technologies


Gustavo Mendelsohn de Carvalho (Fiocruz News Agency)


To ensure greater visibility and articulation between innovative initiatives developed at the institution, Fiocruz launched (7/19) its new Innovation Portfolio. A platform that brings together technologies with high innovative potential, for the development of products and services aimed at meeting the health needs of the population and strengthening of the Unified Health System (SUS, acronym in Portuguese for the Brazilian public health system). The platform also aims to facilitate public or private partnerships, with institutions, universities, research centers, government agencies, as well as national and international companies, through technology transfer and agreements for the development of research.

With funding from Fiocruz's Inova Gestão (Innovate Management) public notice, the creation of the Innovation Portfolio is the result of the integrated effort of the Technological Management Coordination (Gestec/VPPIS), the Center for Information Technology and Communication in Health (CTIC/Icict/Fiocruz) and the Technological Innovation Centers (NITs) of Fiocruz's units. Two round tables were held at the launch of the platform, the first, dedicated to the theme Internal partnerships for the development of new products and services, was attended by representatives of the Immunobiological Technology Institute (Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz), Fiocruz's Fundraising Office and researchers participating in the Innovation Portfolio initiative.

The second round table, which discussed the theme The importance of innovation networks for technological development, included representatives of the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), the InovafitoBrasil Platform, the Brazilian Association of Pharmaceutical Inputs Industry (Abiquifi) and the Brazilian Pharmaceutical Innovation Network. The director of the Department of Management and Incorporation of Health Technologies (MS), Luciene Bonan, also attended the table, with an online intervention.

For the president of Fiocruz, Mario Moreira, the expectation is that the platform, in the future, “unifies all actions that favor technological development projects, gathering Fiocruz's technological assets and competencies in one place, with the aim of attracting partnerships”.

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