
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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Casa de Oswaldo Cruz launches website in English




In order to expand its internationalization process, Casa de Oswaldo Cruz (COC / Fiocruz) presents the English version of its website. At the web address, it is possible to have access to news and the main services offered by COC, in the areas of research, education, heritage, information and communication and dissemination of science.

Also available are the contacts of Researchers and Managers of the unit, as well as information about courses, partnerships and the collections under the custody of Fiocruz. The Director of Casa de Oswaldo Cruz (COC), Paulo Elian, states that the unit is integrated with the internationalization strategy of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation itself.

"Fiocruz for some years has made an effort to internationalize its activities, especially with the outstanding performance of the Fiocruz Global Health Center (Cris - Fiocruz). In the areas of education and research, also stimulated by the policies of government development agencies. In a certain way, Casa de Oswaldo Cruz has expanded its cooperation actions in postgraduate education and in scientific dissemination in museums. In this sense, the English site works as another instrument to strengthen and broaden dialogue with the public and with our current and potential partners", explains Paulo Elian.

Created in 1986, Casa de Oswaldo Cruz is the technical and scientific unit of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation dedicated to the preservation of Fiocruz's memory and to the activities of research, education, documentation and dissemination of the history of health and biomedical sciences in Brazil.

The COC/Fiocruz also maintains the Museum of Life and takes care of the preservation and restoration of Fiocruz's architectural, environmental and urban heritage. Among other activities, the unit still develops relevant editorial activity, highlighting the magazine História, Ciências, Saúde - Manguinhos.

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