
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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Ambassador of Botswana visits Fiocruz and shows interest in cooperation


Cristina Azevedo (Fiocruz News Agency)


The ambassador of Botswana to Brazil, Tebogo Montshome, visited Fiocruz last Thursday (October 7th). She decided to get to know the Foundation while visiting Rio de Janeiro to identify areas of possible cooperation between her country and the institution. Greeted by the Vice-President of Production and Innovation in Health, Marco Krieger, Montshome was particularly interested in staff training, research and production of drugs and vaccines.

Marco Krieger, Tebogo Montshome, Sethunya Sedimo and Augusto Paulo Silva (Photo: Peter Ilicciev)

The ambassador was accompanied by the embassy's first secretary, Sethunya Sedimo, and by the consul in Rio, Marcello Oliveira. After talking to Krieger, Tebogo Montshome got to know the process of production of the COVID-19 vaccine, accompanied by Daniel Miranda, head of the office of Bio-Manguinhos, and by Augusto Paulo Silva, researcher at the Fiocruz Global Health Center (CRIS/Fiocruz) and former deputy minister of Health in Guiné-Bissau.

The goal of this visit, according to the ambassador, is to show to the Ministry of Health and to the Presidency of her country the areas where it is possible to have a partnership in science and health, which according to her, could maybe start by having a human resources training. Tebogo Montshome expressed the intent of suggesting a web conference to discuss the needs of Botswana and to check where is possible to establish cooperation.

Ambassador Tebogo Montshome talks to Augusto Paulo Silva (Photo: Peter Ilicciev)

“During the pandemic, her country felt the struggle of depending on other nations and realized that it needed to rebuild its healthcare system. In this regard, the South-South cooperation, and Brazil in particular, might help a lot”, said Augusto Paulo. “This is another example of Fiocruz approaching non-Portuguese speaking African countries”, finished the researcher of CRIS.

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