Luisa Picanço (VPEIC/Fiocruz)
On October 31st, at 2pm (London), the webinar called “Preparing for the 2025 dengue season: insights from predictive models” will take place, promoted by the Vice-presidency of Education, Information and Communication of Fiocruz (VPEIC), via the Fiocruz Scientific Computing Program (PROCC) in partnership with the consortium The Global Health Network Latin America and the Caribbean (TGHN LAC), by the Zoom platform. The event will be about the growing concern about dengue fever around the world. The webinar will have simultaneous translation into English, Portuguese and Spanish, with presentations by Claudia Codeço (Fiocruz/Brazil), Rachel Lowe (Barcelona Supercomputing Center/Spain), Flávio Coelho (Fundação Getulio Vargas/Brazil) and Marcela Santos (Ministry of Health/Brazil).
Currently, in Brazil and in other parts of the world, there is an increase in dengue fever cases in previously unaffected regions and altitudes. Organized with the Infodengue team, an early warning system led by Fiocruz and Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV), the event will launch a forecasting sprint with the aim of standardizing predictive models, using the open-source platform, Mosqlimate.