
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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Fiocruz and Servier sign agreement for research on natural plants in oncology




Fiocruz, through the Institute of Drug Technology (Farmanguinhos/Fiocruz) and the René Rachou Institute (IRR/Fiocruz Minas), has signed a partnership agreement for research, development and innovation (RD&I) with the French pharmaceutical company Servier. The aim is to enable research into cancer treatments using natural samples. The event was attended by the presidents of France, Emmanuel Macron, and of Fiocruz, Mario Moreira.

The objective of the agreement is to facilitate research using natural samples for oncological treatments (photo: Disclosure)

"This agreement is an important milestone in the search for advanced solutions to fight cancer, one of the biggest causes of death in the world and a major concern worldwide and in Brazil. The collaboration between Fiocruz and Servier, our partner in other projects, paves the way for further research and innovation in cancer treatments using medicinal plants. Scientific and technological exchange in this area will soon guarantee that new medicines are introduced into the Unified Health System," said Mario Moreira.

The agreement, signed on Wednesday (3/27) at the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (Fiesp), includes the study of samples of natural products, such as plants, extracts, fractions and isolated compounds, with the aim of identifying new cancer therapeutic targets. Additionally, the schedule involves the exchange of scientific knowledge, techniques and methodologies between Fiocruz and Servier.

The project is relevant to the treatment of cancer, which, according to estimates by the Global Cancer Observatory (Globocan), has seen a prevalence of 53.5 million cases worldwide in the last five years, with 19.9 million new cases in 2022.

General Director of Servier do Brasil, Mathieu Fitoussi highlighted Brazil's importance in research using natural products. "Brazil has great potential for research into natural products, and together with Fiocruz, we are joining forces to establish scientific cooperation to identify potential candidates for innovative medicines to treat cancer. The partnership, aimed at joint development, involves the exchange of experiences between the Fiocruz and Servier teams."

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