
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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Data de publicação: 17/08/2021 - 09:52
Throughout history, there are many records of disasters that decimated entire populations, cities, states and civilizations. None of those had the same level that the climate change crisis foresees. UN’s secretary-general, António Guterres, stated that the report of Group I of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) is “a code red for humanity”. The report contained compelling evidence that the gas emissions...
Data de publicação: 12/08/2021 - 10:37
Providing scientific knowledge about the different aspects of the Triatominae, the insects that spread Chagas disease, also known as kissing bugs, is the goal of the book Triatominae: the biology of Chagas disease vectors. The book has 20 chapters about natural history and the evolution of the subfamily, its taxonomy, physiology, interaction with parasites, control of the insect, and its resistance to pesticides, among other topics. Arranged...
Data de publicação: 19/05/2021 - 12:35
A study coordinated by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) is helping to understand why some critically ill patients submitted to mechanical ventilation manage to leave the ICU, while others do not survive. The research indicates that the presence of the human endogenous retrovirus K (HERV-K) is associated not only with worsening disease but also with early mortality. From March to December 2020, the study Human endogenous retrovirus K...
Data de publicação: 02/06/2021 - 17:37
International education webinar brings a circle of conversations with Brazilian researchers and their experiences in Germany and a German researcher experiencing our research institutions. In a new edition of the PrInt Fiocruz-Capes International Seminar, the Brazil-Germany International Education Initiative organizes an online event to be held on June 8, 2021 at 10:00 am. Seeking to stimulate the interest in scientific and cultural...
Data de publicação: 31/05/2021 - 09:35
The past few years have been frustrating for the international climate change agenda. The United Nations Convention on Climate Change (COP25) took place in 2019 in Madrid, but it was far from peaceful, after its cancellation in Brazil and in Chile. Many issues were left to be solved the following year, but in 2020, for the first time, the Convention did not happen, because of the pandemic. There is much catching up to be done and high...
Data de publicação: 30/06/2021 - 16:15
Boletim Internacional
Data de publicação: 23/06/2021 - 09:26
Last Sunday (June 20), the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro vaccinated the entire eligible population of the island of Paquetá (those above 18 years of age), including pregnant women, against Covid-19. The PaqueTá Vacinada project (Paquetá Is Vaccinated, in loose translation) by the Municipal Health Secretary (SMS) aims to evaluate the effects of large-scale vaccination on the island’s population and was approved by the...
Data de publicação: 31/05/2021 - 15:07
Three projects, seven minutes of exhibition for each plus a private room to discuss them, exchange knowledge and pursue partnerships. The first edition of Translation Together Connect Series, last Friday (May 28), was a sort of pilot program for the webinars that are expected to become monthly, in an attempt to bring together members of this global alliance and boost projects in the field of translational science. Three Fiocruz researchers,...
Data de publicação: 02/06/2021 - 17:18
Fiocruz and its Immunobiological Technology Institute (Biomanguinhos/Fiocruz) signed, on Tuesday (6/1), the contract for Technology Transfer of the COVID-19 vaccine (recombinant) with AstraZeneca for the 100% national production of the immunizing agent. The contract formalizes the transfer of knowledge that has already been passed on by the technological partner to speed up the production of the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) at the...
Data de publicação: 15/06/2021 - 10:58
Still in the heat of the World Health Assembly and the G20 Global Health Summit, held at the end of May, the Advanced Seminar of the Fiocruz's Global Health Center (CRIS/Fiocruz) brought, last Wednesday (6/10), the main conclusions and challenges for this biennium, in a challenging conjuncture during the COVID-19 pandemic. To account for such a broad issue, the webinar Global Health Agenda 2021 brought together eight debaters and was held in...
Data de publicação: 21/06/2021 - 18:14
Following the agreement between Fiocruz and The Global Health Network, the course Speech therapy healthcare: oral sensory-motor disorders in the field of neonatology is now available at the Global Health Training Centre in three languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese. The course was developed by a multiprofessional team from the National Institute of Women, Children and Adolescents Health Fernandes Figueira (IFF/Fiocruz) and aimed at speech...
Data de publicação: 16/06/2021 - 16:39
Published in The New England Journal of Medicine, the results of a randomized controlled trial (RCT) showed a reduction of 77% of cases of dengue fever in areas that received the Aedes aegypti mosquito with Wolbachia, in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This is the same technique employed in Brazil (the Wolbachia method), an initiative led by Fiocruz in the country. The study also reveals an 86% reduction in hospitalizations in areas treated with...
Data de publicação: 25/05/2021 - 10:24
The rapid spread of some Sars-CoV-2 variants has been associated with reports of COVID-19 reinfection, based, for example, on the P.1 high prevalence in the first two months after its emergence. Given this scenario, researchers from Fiocruz Pernambuco and Foundation's Genomics Network members sought to verify what the real mechanisms behind reinfection might be. The initial hypothesis was that a greater competence of the new variants would...
Data de publicação: 18/05/2021 - 15:23
A mixture of expectation and hope took over Botucatu, in the interior of São Paulo, this weekend. The city was chosen to be the stage for an unprecedented research that kicked off last Sunday (5/16), with the mass vaccination against COVID-19 of the entire adult population. More than 63,000 Botucatu residents were immunized in just one day, exceeding the expectation that 60,000 people would receive the first dose this Sunday. Minister of...
Data de publicação: 18/06/2021 - 14:57
Led by Australia, a new trial will investigate whether it is possible to predict who remains susceptible to the variants of Sars-CoV-2, even when they received a vaccine against COVID-19 or have already been sick due to the virus. The research will be exploring the immune response of vaccines specific against the disease in Brazilian health workers, in order to identify biomarkers that can indicate whether someone will be protected (or remains...
Data de publicação: 23/06/2021 - 10:14
Termo de Declaração de Concordância e Veracidade Versão em Inglês do SEI para Cadastro Externo
Data de publicação: 10/06/2021 - 09:41
"Data and information will be fundamental to understand the dynamics of health inequality reduction processes and establish better public policies and institutional arrangements to respond to and prevent upcoming crises, while contributing to the Unified Health System [SUS, acronym in Portuguese for the Brazilian public health system] improvement", said Nísia Trindade this Monday (September 7), during the event organized by...
Data de publicação: 14/07/2021 - 10:57
 Dia: 15/07 Horário: a partir das 11h bsb (14h UTC) Inglês   No próximo dia 15 de julho de 2021, as 11h, Ricardo José de Paula Souza e Guimarães do Instituto Evandro Chagas do Ministério da Saúde - Brasil, apresenta o seminário: Geotecnologias Aplicadas para Estudos de Doenças Transmitidas pela Água no Brasil, no 3º Webinar da Série ONWARD...
Data de publicação: 14/05/2021 - 15:43
The name of the most recent seminar of the Fiocruz Global Health Center (CRIS in the Portuguese acronym), last Wednesday (May 12th), came from a question: Ibero-America - A New Space for Health Diplomacy? And it ended with an answer. For most of the event’s attendees, diplomats and experts on both sides of the Atlantic, the pandemic accelerated a process of cooperation that had already been taking place in the region, put health under the...
Data de publicação: 22/07/2021 - 18:28
Difficulties faced by African countries regarding COVID-19 are not limited to vaccines. Resources are also needed for the logistics of an immunization campaign, which involves cold rooms and even power generators, explains Augusto Paulo Silva, researcher of the Fiocruz Global Health Center (CRIS/Fiocruz) for African Issues and for cooperation between Africa & Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP in the Portuguese acronym)....
Data de publicação: 22/07/2021 - 10:36
In another initiative to strengthen international partnerships at Fiocruz, the Vice-Presidency of Research and Biological Collections (VPPCB) is receiving this year a scientist for training in clinical research. Argentina's Dolores Carrer was selected through the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), an activity of the World Health Organization (WHO) that allows early to mid-career researchers in low- and...
Data de publicação: 21/07/2021 - 12:53
The implications of the fact that the pandemic is hitting younger people in Brazil are the subject of the paper Younger Brazilians hit by COVID-19 – What are the implications?, by researchers of the Fiocruz COVID-19 Observatory, published in a magazine of The Lancet group on July 14th. Following the observation that COVID-19 cases in younger age groups (adults between 20 and 59 years of age) that evolved into severe conditions and...
Data de publicação: 12/07/2021 - 10:31
Published in the United Nations (UN) SDG Action platform, the article Non-communicable diseases: a challenge for global cooperation, authored by the president of Fiocruz, Nísia Trindade Lima, and researcher Carlos Gadelha, highlights the importance of integrated public policies that consider human health in its quality-of-life dimension, avoiding focusing on just a few diseases. "More than looking at a single disease, we need to look...
Data de publicação: 29/06/2021 - 12:29
The notion that health crises unfairly and disproportionately affect vulnerable populations was observed and documented during the greatest health crisis of this century. Furthermore, studies have shown that the distribution of COVID-19 is unequal among different ethnic and socioeconomic groups (Horta, 2020 and Wang, 2020) iii. They also highlight the importance of prejudice and systemic racism as elements that, when...
Data de publicação: 21/05/2012 - 15:44
Biological collections are groups of organisms, or parts thereof, organized to provide information about origin, collection and identification of each of its specimens. At Fiocruz, the oldest collections began to be composed in the early 20th century, when, during scientific expeditions, institutional researchers collected, analyzed and deposited biological material from different regions of Brazil. Currently, there are 33 collections...
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