
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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Data de publicação: 01/12/2020 - 18:03
Autores: Alexandra Solomon, Rosemary Morgan, Clare Wenham, Julia Smith, Denise Nacif Pimenta, Kate Hawkins, Valerie Mueller. Asha Herten-Crabb. Confira mais informações no Observatório Covid-19. Acesse o especial da Fiocruz sobre a Covid-19.
Data de publicação: 27/11/2020 - 18:21
A epidemia de COVID-19 através de uma lente de gênero: e se uma abordagem de gênero tivesse sido aplicada para informar as medidas de saúde pública para combater a pandemia de COVID-19? (em inglês) Autres: CRISTINA ENGUITA-FERNANDEZ, ELENA MARBAN CASTRO , OLIVIA MANDERS , LAUREN MAXWELL e GUSTAVO CORREA MATTA. Confira mais informações no Observatório Covid-19. Acesse...
Data de publicação: 23/11/2020 - 14:53
The Journal Plos Biology has published the database of a study that analyzed the ranking of scientists worldwide. The ranking lists the 100 thousand most influential scientists in the world, according to databases used up to 2019. The survey was carried out by a team of the University of Standford (USA), led by Greek-American physician and scientist John Ioannidis, with several contributions in the field of medicine, especially in...
Data de publicação: 23/11/2020 - 14:04
Nine months after the appearance of the first case of Covid-19 in the state of Amazonas, researchers of the Leônidas & Maria Deane Institute (ILMD/Fiocruz Amazonia) have already sequenced 79 genomes of the Sars-CoV-2, using samples obtained from 18 of the state’s municipalities. The research is a partnership with the Health Surveillance Foundation of Amazonas (FVS/AM), by means of the Central Laboratory of Public Health (Lacen-AM...
Data de publicação: 17/11/2020 - 10:45
Large-scale fires in the Amazon and Pantanal regions, which have reached record levels in 2020, tend to worsen the Covid-19 epidemic scenario in these regions, which include municipalities usually lacking in high-complexity hospital infrastructure as well as basic healthcare services. These areas are also home to populations with higher social vulnerability. According to data from the National Institute of Spatial Research (Inpe), in the...
Data de publicação: 16/11/2020 - 16:24
The 2020 Dr. Lee Jong-wook Public Health award was given to the coordinator of the Global Network of Human Milk Banks (rBLH in the Brazilian Portuguese abbreviation) and researcher of the Fernandes Figueira National Institute for the Health of Women, Children, and Adolescents (IFF/Fiocruz), João Aprígio Guerra de Almeida, on November 13th in a remote ceremony during the Plenary Session of the 73rd World Health Assembly. The award...
Data de publicação: 11/11/2020 - 15:41
Data de publicação: 10/11/2020 - 20:15
Beatriz C. Thomé & Gustavo C. Matta & Sérgio T. A. Rego. Bioethical Inquiry. DOI:10.1007/s11673-020-10023-w Artigo em inglês.  Acesse o especial da Fiocruz sobre a Covid-19. Confira mais informações no Observatório Covid-19.
Data de publicação: 10/11/2020 - 20:11
Ana Lucia de M Pontes e Ricardo Ventura Santos. Health Policy and Planning, 35, 2020, i107–i114. doi: 10.1093/heapol/czaa098.  Artigo em inglês. Acesse o especial da Fiocruz sobre a Covid-19. Confira mais informações no Observatório Covid-19.
Data de publicação: 09/11/2020 - 16:16
Fiocruz attended the Brazil Africa Forum, which this year focused on the challenges brought by the pandemic. With the intention of strengthening the relations between Brazil and Africa, the Forum brings together top-level authorities and specialists to discuss global health, national health systems, economic recovery, commerce and finance, international cooperation, science and technology, vulnerable communities, poverty and hunger, regional...
Data de publicação: 09/11/2020 - 13:00
The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) was chosen to preside the Latin American Alliance for Global Health (Alasag) at the 6th Latin American and Caribbean Global Health Congress, which took place online on October 28th and 29th. Fiocruz was the host of the meeting, whose central theme this year was Sustainable Development and Global Health: The Challenges of Inequality in the Region, and was attended by about 650 enrolled participants from more...
Data de publicação: 06/11/2020 - 15:55
Lipid droplets are the main organelles of lipid storage and they play an important role in the organism of living beings. Common parasites, such as bacteria, viruses and protozoans, induce and target these structures during their life cycles. Scientists are well aware that lipid droplets support infection by supplying invaders with substrates for their survival or growth. However, studies show that the host’s immune responses have co-...
Data de publicação: 06/11/2020 - 12:57
Pope Francis has sent a message praising and thanking Fiocruz and its staff for its accomplishments. His blessing was sent as a response to an invitation for him to send a message on the occasion of the Fratelli Tutti seminar: The global social message of Pope Francis, promoted by the Global Health Center of Fiocruz (Cris/Fiocruz), on November 3rd. "At this moment when Brazil, along with the rest of the world, faces the Covid-19 pandemic...
Data de publicação: 06/11/2020 - 10:35
To mark the six months of Covid-19 in Brazil, the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) has published a special edition of its Covid-19 Observatory Bulletin with an assessment of the pandemic that has been having effects on the health of populations and challenging science all over the world. Made by a multidisciplinary team of researchers of the Foundation, the investigation includes the main aspects related to Covid-19, such as social, economic,...
Data de publicação: 03/11/2020 - 15:45
On October 26th the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) sent to the External Commission of the House of Representatives for the Fight Against Covid-19 the Technological Order Agreement signed with AstraZeneca for the production of a Covid-19 vaccine. Although the contract contains classified information, common in contracts of this nature and classified according to Brazilian law, the document was sent to the Commission in its full version...
Data de publicação: 03/11/2020 - 14:46
Symptoms of anxiety and depression affect 47.3% of essential workers during the Covid-19 pandemic, in Brazil and in Spain. More than half of them - and 27.4% of the total of people interviewed - suffer from both anxiety and depression simultaneously. In addition, 44.3% report alcohol abuse; 42.9% report changes in their sleep habits; and 30.9% were diagnosed with or were treated for mental illness in the year prior to a survey coordinated by...
Data de publicação: 26/10/2020 - 15:43
Research by Fiocruz Pernambuco, in collaboration with the Colorado State University (CSU), USA, has found scientific evidence of the importance of sexual transmission of the virus in the zika epidemic in Pernambuco. This is the first Brazilian study to reach this conclusion, and the second worldwide to show that sexual transmission of the zika virus played a much more significant role in the epidemic than what was initially thought. The first...
Data de publicação: 26/10/2020 - 14:33
Two projects with the participation of Fiocruz will be receiving financial support from the United Kingdom, after being acknowledged by the Global Effort on Covid-19 (GECO) Health Research. The call sought research projects that focused on offering responses to the multiple health consequences of the pandemic in low- and medium-income rate countries. Announced on October 10, the GECO is financed by two British research institutions, the National...
Data de publicação: 22/10/2020 - 17:30
The fires that have been hitting the Pantanal region for weeks is a threat not only to local fauna and flora but also to the human health of local populations, especially firefighters and nearby communities. In September, the number of fires in that biome hit a historical high. In addition to the immediate effects of fire and smoke, the loss of biodiversity and the drop of resources for the surviving species may cause animals to flee to unburnt...
Data de publicação: 15/10/2020 - 12:52
As part of the celebrations of the 120th anniversary of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, the National Institute of Public Communication in Science and Technology (INCT-CPCT) has coordinated the survey How Brazilians see Fiocruz: a survey in 12 Brazilian cities. The goal was to analyze the perception the society has of the Foundation in the 12 Brazilian cities where it is present, in units, offices, or special projects: Manaus, Salvador, Belo...
Data de publicação: 13/10/2020 - 18:53
In the American continent, leishmaniasis is caused by various species of parasites of the Leishmania genus. When infected, humans report a set of clinical manifestations that can compromise the skin, the mucous membranes, and internal organs. The different presentations of leishmaniasis are clinically mistaken for several other diseases, which makes its diagnosis a challenge for health workers. The varied clinical spectrum of the disease is also...
Data de publicação: 13/10/2020 - 14:44
The Center for Technological Development in Health of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (CDTS/Fiocruz) and the European Infrastructure for Translational Medicine (Eatris) signed, in September, a letter of intent with the goal of promoting initiatives in translational sciences. The partnership includes not only education and training projects within this theme, but also the creation of a Global Hub of Drug Repositioning, with an initial focus on...
Data de publicação: 07/10/2020 - 17:44
In a partnership with the National Institute of Metrology, Quality, and Technology (Inmetro), researchers of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (IOC/Fiocruz) have recorded new images that reveal the effects of the infection by the new coronavirus in the cells. Obtained through high-resolution microscopy, the photographs show that infected cells show membrane extensions, called filopodia, that form intercellular connections. This alteration may be one of...
Data de publicação: 07/10/2020 - 16:55
Genetic sequences and clinical and epidemiological data of influenza and SARS-CoV-2 viruses. Geographical and specific data of species associated with avian viruses and viruses of other animals. These contents, crucial to help national and international researchers understand more rapidly how the viruses evolve and spread during epidemics and pandemics, can be found in the international platform of genomic data, the GISAID. Since the beginning...


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